So yeah I took this really gay colour picking quiz that I found on Jerk's site (I asked him when he turned into a twelve year old girl taking silly tests like this)
Anyway, my results were eerie so I thought I would share it. Let me know if yours are too.
 | Robin took the free personality test! "Strives for a life rich in activity and experience..." Click here to read the rest of the results.
Oi Binsk.
have you noticed that you look like Kelly Deal (pre skag) in that top photo?
and Charlotte Hatherley in the one below it.
hmm looking like two different people eh?
Hats off to you, that is a talent.
hey, i took that color quiz too just because i am the queen of procrastination - it really was freaky how accurate some of the things were... especially for such a simple test. i think i might post it... we'll see. anyway, nice title. i used that the other day too.
Wow cool..I HAVE to do this now. :)
Wow, mine are freaky. I'm not even sure I can post them. Eerie.
I know! I think if I spent 3 days locked in a room with a shrink they wouldn't be this accurate. :)
relax binsk. all of those are so general. that's what most people want and are like.
Did you do it Zona boy? Maybe you should try it first and then maybe you won't be so skeptical.
WOW!! I take it all back. My results were SO RIGHT ON!!
It said that for me to avoid the guilt trip of murder I should eat selected parts of my victims. I should avoid chianti though because that's was causes the nightmares and prolongs my killing spree.
I feel SO much better now!
Time for a coke!
the quiz results are freaking me out! I gotta keep telling myself: it's only a silly's only a silly quiz...
I'm hearing the Twilight Zone soundtrack in my head right now!
Somebody woke up on the wrong side of bed today.
Honestly though. I did it. It was about half and half.
It was off on ambition at work.
It was off on sex.
I tried to post it on my blog but failed because I'm not good at links and where to put them and all that stuff
i think the cosmoquiz is about as much quizzing as i can handle
I played this color quiz years & years ago! I forgot it existed til you showed it to me here today. It is so wildly weird for me! Right on... and soooo true!
Thanks, I may steal this!
I have done it before but I liked the part about waiting....because otherwise you do second guess what you're picking.
Funny...peace came up several times in my goals and desires...right on the money, huh?
Okay I'm up!!!
Thanks Corinna, I knew you'd come through for me. ;)
as a skeptic by nature, i did the test several times both as "male" & "female" & during different times of day -- the results were still freakishly accurate...every single time.
Well, I THINK I turned into a twelve year old girl when I was 10. She was REALLY cute and I was on my bike, and since I liked her, you know, "LIKE-liked" her, I tried to run her over with my bike to show her how MUCH I LIKE-liked her.
I'm over that now of course. Now I just flat out tell them "Robin....Binny, I "LIKE-like" you. Lots and stuff."
Gee, I didn't know that I was a moody, depressed and at least a touch neurotic. Never would've guessed that one. lol
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