Nothing much to say today. HNT is tomorrow - or being posted tonight at midnight - and I've got nothing right now. Are you ready?
J.D. wins Rock Star INXS. I would just like to say congratulations J.D. and please forgive me for my bitchy ways when we met, I was just having a bad day.
Did those guys discover you in their garden?
I have a bad video card here at work. On my computer, all of the guys were very dark silhouettes. It gave the impression of some strange snowflake design. I was trying to figure it out when the human forms suddenly jumped at me.
You don't want that to happen when you are looking at your computer monitor too closely.
On the plus side, yes, I do have my HNT posting ready. I don't think many people will get it, though.
Ooooh, I forgot about that! You met the guy who won and you didn't like him much. What a drag.
i have no HNT ready, but i always have backups in case i don't get around to it. i've played it safe the last little bit so i think i'll go racy. hopefully.
oh and for the pics of those toys on my blog, i downloaded a program that allows screen captures of anything. it's so cool!!! like me.
I watched the finale last night and was surprised Mig was booted off! I don't like JD, he reminds me of a jerk but that's my quick judgement from watching the show.
inxs are causing the hurrikens
As you know, my camera is AWOL, but I think that another blogger and I have come up with a great solution to the problem! Hope you like it! See you tonight!
BTW--I never noticed the misspelling, so I guess I can't be upset! Thanks for the change though...
i can't believe that jd won. i mean, he is such an idiot and so about classic rock. and you would think that they would, rather than trying to duplicate what they had (and most likely to a poor job of it), have went with a singer who would have given the band a new edge, like susie or marty.
and i have just revealed myself as the biggest nerd ever. not only knowing who won, but having an opinion of it.
I wish Marty would have won last night. I think he would be a better frontman for INXS as JD seems like an ASS!
Cool Blog, found my way over via Funky Bugs...
I have no idea who JD is...but, let's hope he doesn't have the same masterbating fate like their previous lead singer...
I know...going to hell for even mentioning it.
I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up... I felt your post...just couldn't comment on it, since blogger had a nervous breakdown last night.
Hey, do you know if JD attended Sheridan while he lived here in Oakville, Robin? He looks so very familiar to me, like I have seen him at work last year. And he's got this rep from the show as a bit of a douchbag according to a few bloggers I keep up with. Niiiiiiice. :-)
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