If you would like to join HNT see Obasso's blog which is linked in my sidebar.
EDIT: It's Friday and I want to leave this up because this is the most comments I ever got. I know I was supposed to play FFF but I'm not, again. I know I suck...I still love you though Anti Blogger.
I am going up north and I will talk to you all after the long weekend.
There will be lots of new pictures when I come back.
Have a good one.
Lovely. Cheers and happy HNT!
i just want to snuggle with your nakedness, is that so wrong?
There's nothing like having to take the extra time to figure out what's what that makes HNT pictures so much fun! Great shot and have a super HNT kind of day!!
tasty! i like the new 'about me' pic too!
excellent curves and how you captured them.
wicked picture...very hot and cuddly
such a great pic...
oh so sexy. well done. happy HNT!
when i look at you i think of incest
it's so wrong
Very creative! I love it.
WOW! Great shot.
took me a while to figure out the positioning, but very creative!
rawr! very nice...
You always have the best HNT's!
Have a happy one!
Girl..your photo's always look good. I played this time..I'm no longer an HNT virgin. :)
I'm completely speachless. Truly. Nice photo.
You know how to hide just enough of the right things to make us come back again and again. One of the reasons you're one of my favorites!
Excuse my French ~
This is just fucking hot. (I played too!!! ~ Leesa & I are so friggin brave!)
Wow, this looks ALL Nekid to me!
I'm running out of superlatives for all the hot pics that crop up each HNT...Lovely, m'dear!
HOT...just a glimpse but not revealing too much, its very teasy (is teasy a word?)...
I really liked your HNT submission, it makes me think of things that should not be thought of in the office...
Happy HNT!
Snuggle Alert!!!
Entwined bliss...
Hmmm, is there a game of twister involved?
Awesome pic. It's just so soft and pretty. Happy HNT!
You always have the best angles for your pictures. Very creative.
Happy HNT!
Somewhere there is a VERY lucky Canadian bastard.
Um. . .yeah. . . wow. . .. . .
(Spider goes and ponders how he could even come to anything close to as sexy as that photo on his blog. Then realizes he's got nothing.)
Everybody else took my words... how about stunning beautiful. You already know it's sexy...
Happy HNT
Damn.....Binny...I ..uh....damn.....can I wash your car for you?
Make dinner?
Clean your bathroom?
Pay your rent?
Wow! That is a beautiful picture. You have a great body. SO SEXY! Happy HNT...
excellant shot-happy HNT!
I had to turn you upside down & sideways...to tell what I was actually seeing there, sweetie...ah...now I see.
Lovely soft pretzel...tasty too.
It really is a lovely pic Binsk but you realize it's Half Naked Thursday right? Not All Naked Thursday? :o)
Though, no one's complaining...
gee thanks binsk! now i'm going to get all hot and bothered next time i see a soft pretzel vender.
you've inspired me to be much naughtier next week....i have this picture that a month ago i would've never thought i'd dare post. now thanks to HNT and you're exposed flesh - i'm going for it!
o God of all that is sweet and beautiful!! we thank you so much for giving us Binsk! :-)
You are very, very popular with the HNT bloggers. Hmm, I wonder why? :)
I think you do pilates! :-) I've posted naked pics before but this is my first HNT, so happy HNT!
Damn, you've got some nice curves baby!! Woot woot!!
"WOW" definately sums that pic up!
wow, i love your piccie, i bow at your greatness...thanks for your nice comment about my first attempt at HNT...its my favourite bra btw...
(20 minutes of silence)
... whew.
I love all of you guys...and HNT...and cake.
Binsk, I've not seen a sexier woman in a long, long time. :0
Nicely done. Implied sexuality is almost as good as the real deal.
If only I was a dude, well maybe not cause I would have ahem trouble being at work right now. Nice shot!
So sexy! Pa-dow!
Why thank you dahling.
Holy crap! I don't know what impresses me more...your photography skills, or your comment count today!
Mental note to self: start posting breasts.
very nicely done binsk! I always love your photos!
I Love this one!!!
Happy HNT - sorry it was sooo late.
What number comment am I?
69 of course.
Ooo..it looks so soft. mmmmm
Happy HNT
72 comments? That's got to be some sort of record. Oh wait, now I guess it's 73.
Really amazing photo too; love the angle.
Great Pic!!! Thanks for Sharing!!!
Is it wrong that I want to snuggle with you?!? :-)
best word I can think of is soft. :)
Hey, I left a comment on the comment you left on my 9/1's HNT...wasn't referring to you. I enjoy your HNT's!
Now that the rush of HNT has passed, I'm getting a chance to really look at pics. I took a quick glance at yours and saw sand dunes. THAT'S why I like your pics. It's not a picture of boobs and legs and arm. It's a bodyscape, with shadows and texture. And it's not the first example you've graced us with like that. I'm really glad you're with us!
Have a good weekend. Looking forward to all you'll give us!
Oh, yeah--don't forget Dorky Tuesday!!
hi binsk, just hi, that's all.
Oh WOW! I bet a bunch of people are running to the nearest pretzel store now. Heh.
Between my words and your photos, we have the makings of the perfect blog... Interstested in playing Blog house? :) Great photo.
Have a great weekend all you crazy cats and kittens.
Binsk? Are you out there?...
First of all, I can't find my comments. What the heck?
Second of all, GREAT SHOT!
Third, 84 comments. That's got to be some kind of record. And with mine, it's 85.
i hereby offer my services as your personal photographer!
cheers to half-nekkid thursday! and a double-plus cheers to that fabulous photo!
Did I say 73 comments? I meant 88. Yeah, that's pretty impressive.
Aside from the obvious, which is OUTSTANDING PHOTO, I just want to say that the title is PERFECT.
I always like blogs where girls to raise visits posts half naked fotos. Nice work sex babe.
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