What did I ever do before HNT?
What did I ever do before blogging?
I can't imagine. I guess it's like having a kid, you can't remember life before. Yes I just compared blogging to being a parent. Is that odd? Well I never said I was normal. In fact normal sucks if you ask me.
Speaking of crazy,
Tons of Torontonians were packing the gas stations yesterday so they could fill their tanks before Rita strikes in order to save a few bucks. You couldn't have paid me enough to get in one of those line ups last night. Come on people you might be overreacting just a tad, and even if you aren't, that tank is going to run out and you'll have to pay whatever ridiculous price they decide to charge you anyway.
Except that some people were filling portable gas containers too...
It seems like HNT is gonna make a celebrity out of you yet.
Pretty soon you'll be chillin' on a yacht with Robin Leach and photogs will be snapping away as you sip from your champagne.
You'll forget about all your old friends, especially when we call asking for a loan.
"Outburst? Nope, don't ring a bell."
But I'll be happy to tell my friends that I once knew Binsk, before she started doing that show with Paris Hilton.
I'll still love ya, because you were cool before HNT too.
What's HNT??? I'm confused!
yeah, but think of that whole dollar you'll save for that hour of aggravation and waiting!! That could buy you like a whole soda or something... that you could drink while waiting in the gas line...
Of course, it could be because some people just love sharing in the misery!
oh, and have I recently said that you are, what was that phrase, "dead sexy"..? Just thought I'd mention that on Friday so you could carry that with you into the weekend.
Man, talk about panic. That's why my car is nuclear powered. And the spent fuel rods provide their own glowing light source.
I wonder what I did before "blogging" all of the time...wierd.
I have some very fuzzy memories of doing some work before I started blogging, but it's been so long I can't be sure.
i think before blogging i did nothing.
well i guess i just read other people's blogs, maybe?
i don't know.
in houston, no one can even GET gas at all right now. it's kinda scary.
I think life before blogging consisted of me trolling the internet for men I could date.
Wait... I do that still.
people are idiots.
kid rock says hi.
I was just thinking that about blogs today too. Oh yeah and that t-shirt ROCKS!!!
I'm gonna have to start playing HNTs
i am addicted to blogging too...
we had a mini petrol crisis here, they were staging a protest but only four people turned up...
yet every man and his dog filled their cars up...
have a great weekend...
Well, I guess i'm an idiot too...I waited in line for 30 minutes becasue the gas went down 20 cents for a day...but hey, I'm in Texas and we like to freak out about things...
Glad to see you anxious for the next HNT! I, too, have gotten way too involved with blogging. Specifically with the whole HNT thing! I stayed up until 4:30 AM Wed/Thur. night, then 2:30 the next just trying to stay caught up! And still had to function in the real world! But I wouldn't miss if for anything!
I was actually STUCK in one of those gas lines yesterday. I had no choice -- I was on empty. Grrrr.
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