Thursday, September 08, 2005

Did anybody else see this?

'Who Wants to be a Millionaire' is on, I flip by and there are two answers still showing, which means chickie has already used the "50/50" lifeline . The two remaining answers are:

c) Galoshes
d) Snowshoes

She still doesn't know the answer so she uses one of her other lifelines, "Phone a friend". She calls her dad. And she says to her father "Which of these items is 25 inches long and 12 inches wide?"

Her father says "snowshoes" to which she replies "How sure are you?" Dad says "very sure", but was probably thinking "How did she find her way to the studio? And who removed her helmet?"

Surprise, surprise, he's right! Great she's now won $300.00. GAWD.


Paul said...

Obviously not a Canadian. Not because we all know what snowshoes look like, but because we're not idiots.

Scott & Julia said...

I don't know how some people make it on that show.

Memphis said...

Proof positive that the West is falling faster than an elderly man's penis after sex.

Lysa said...

Boy, and I thought I was slow!

Blog ho said...

25 inches long and 12 inches wide... i would have had a different answer.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine is going to be on there on Tuesday! I'm going to have to tape it! What a hoot.

Hey, I hope you have a good rest of your month. I'm going to try to blog from Egypt! See you when I get back!

Princess Pessimism said...

re-fucking diculous, i saw it and almost dropped a jaw bone through the floor, of all the eggs and sperm that had to meat , this what was created, to scary for me,

Izzy said...

Incredible. If I were her father, I would have told her the answer was "galoshes" because she deserved it.

Some Random Girl said...

I hate it when they waste lifelines! YOU KNOW nine times out of ten they are gonna lose fo' sho'

Anonymous said...

To quote the now famous Monty Python song. "If a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate." I would watch myself now using two lifelines on that crap. Maybe she was just dumbstruck and we can chalk it up to nerves? Didn't think so. Angry Gid, very angry God!

Laura said...

Hmm..I have two terms for contestant #1.
A. Box of Rocks
B. Vapor Lock
Good grief. Dude, why can't I be on that show? I want to be a millionaire...really..I do.

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

I was always frustrated with the stupid people on that show. I tried to get on there so many times but they of course give you like 5 seconds to put everything in order. Grrr.