Have you seen that Mitsubishi ad on television where a bunch of people scream ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh for like 30 seconds?? If I find the fuckers that made that ad I will tie them down and scream ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at them until they cry.
i 100% absolutely agree with you. that fucking ad drives me INSANE.
Did you just call me fat??? Hmmppf.
Happy to say that I've missed that one. Good thing though. Sounds like I'd probably toss the remote through the TV screen.
I haven't seen the commercial, but I love this photo, Binsk!
Time zone? What ever do you mean *wink wink*
No Binny, I haven't seen it, but your reaction cracks me up!
Thanks for the laughs Bins!
Jerk luvs.
P.S. Screaming won't do any good, I'll hold 'em whilst you bludgeon them with sumpin.
As an ad guy, I find that ad an embarassment. It makes me change the channel.
Oh, and it was the idiots at BBDO Toronto that did it, I believe.
You just made me cry.
I'm going to have nightmares because of that photo. I do like it thought. Never seen the commercial but it sounds like a winner (sarcasm in full).
you and me both sister. just tell me when and where.
Great googly moogly!
That picture skeered the bejeezus outa me!
...its so nice to know I'm not the only one that f'n hates that commercial...and its not just me, my dogo freaks out when it comes on...I have to changee the channel...
I may have blocked it from my mind. I don't recall if I have seen it or not. I was under the impression that I had seen every single Mitsubishi ad ever, but since the dancing girl in the hat I just tend to stare blankly at the screen and not process what they're saying. Marketing people are all on drugs, and most of their creative talent comes from 12-year-olds that they pay with cigarettes and video games.
reminds me of the masks in "eyes wide shut". Commercials have gone to shit this days, i miss the good ol days of Mcdonalds, " have u had your break today" and other crap like that.
How come I don't get people asking me if I want to gain muscle? You're so lucky!
Oh my goodness! That is one CRAZY picture! Ha ha! I love you're blog you are so sassy and funny1
thankfully i don't think we get that one, but we normally get things about 6 months behind everyone else...lol
I really like this photo. Very cool.
Haven't seen it, but I wonder if it has anything to do with the Scream Therapy they do in Japan. People go into rooms to just scream... venting stress, etc... Moving on...
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