"Why can't you just decide on something and quit asking me what I want?"
"Maybe you should have brought up the fact that you didn't want to sleep in the tent tonight (and everything has to be moved to the cabin) before we had two bottles of wine and a bunch of beer, not to mention it is pitch black outside."
"YOU ARE USELESS at Pictionary and I never want you to be my partner, you just keep repeating the same word over and over again, baby! baby! baby!"
followed by,
"Oh yeah well that E.T. you drew looked like a snowman with a big gun and a kid that was run over by a bike."
Didn't take many pictures, none that I'd want you to see, mainly due to bad woods hair, big ugly woods type clothes and blurry shaky hand shots.
So here's a cloud we saw on our way up there.

I read a book called 'Lovely Bones'. The first chapter is depressing, then it gets really good. I BAWLED a couple of times reading it but that could be a little more about me than the book. If you read it, let me know if you cry.
Let me be the first to say that is an awesome (seriously!!) cloud picture! I like the effects that you got of the sun peaky through and the shadows, but that's just because I'm a photo geek.
Have a greak dork / geek picture Tuesday!!
If you look carefully, that cloud looks like breasts and legs...no, wait, that was that other picture...
Nice cloud pic...I could almost see angels coming down from those clouds...or maybe I have a minor heat stroke? :D
It's good to be outdoors, isn't it?
i read that book a couple of weeks ago. it was very good. and there were definitely some teary moments when reading it.
I read it about a month ago. Great book, sad but definately worth the read.
what a great cloud pic! the society would love it.
i think pictionary brings out the absolute worst in people.
A lovely pic.
will read the book, you've got an eye for the camera if you've never been told.
it looks like the continent of Asia, what are your thoughts
parents always argue, what can you say?
I want to see "Binny of the Great White North" pictures!
Throw in a Polar bear and some salt & vinegar chips......I'm there dude.
Your picture is awesome, and yes I DID cry. Totally.
I LOVED that book, thought it was SO awesome and so cool to be written in that perspective.
um, yeah sure...
binsk, who is the author?
Alice Sebold. Are you going to read it?
quite possibly, if i can find it, i am sort of a book nerd
and now that i have just read about it on amazon i am most certainly going to read it
Most amazing picture! Love it. Also love the book. One of my favs. I am looking for a new book, any suggestions???
Also, as far as Pictionary is concerned, B sucks at it too... I try not to yell at him..... But after reading your comments, I think I will be a better person. I won't through my pencil at him. You should see how bad he is with Cranium. He can't draw or make shapes out of clay! (tee hee)
I read it and cried too, it's really quite sad and you know, I think I know what you were getting at and I think I know what you mean when you say about you...yeah.. it's a good book, bad ending though I won't say too much. Don't want to ruin it.
I've read the lovely bones. i didn't cry, but i seem to have shut off that emotion. i am trying to get it back... i hope it's not too late
If you liked Lovely Bones, then read Alice Sebold's first book, Lucky, which is a memoir about when she was raped in college. It's amazing. Also good is The Bright Forever, by Lee Martin, much like Lovely Bones.
Manic Mom
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