That you are a visionary
And maybe you're a little scary
But you take my breath away
When you say you'll always be there
It paints such a lovely picture
But no matter how you frame it
It's still pornography
Nobody seems to hear
Till I scream and shout
Even if you tie me down
And you blow my candle out
I'll still glow
I'll still glow
I'll be the perfect someone
that you'll never know
I'll still glow
I see this girl with so much anger
Pacified by holding strangers
Making peace with all her danger
By looking in the mirror
The pureness in my name is gone now
You've taken it too far but somehow
I'll lick my wounds and take the last bow
And hold my cold left hand
There's so many things
That you rant about
The only thing I know for sure
If you blow my candle out
I'll still glow
I'll still glow
I'll be the perfect someone
That you'll never know
I'll still glow
Glow by Katy Rose
The button for HNT is over in the sidebar.
You should play, all the cool kids are doing it.
That's a wonderful shot babe.
that is fucking beautiful...pic and poem...great job...
Perfect as usual!! Great one girl...
Good stuff! Happy HNT!!
Exotic and erotic...typical Binsk, yet each week you amaze me, kiddo! Love it, and I LOVE Katy Rose!
Okay Robin-friend, I'm up!
Awesome! Love the candle, great effect! Happy HNT!
that is soo frickin awesome!! perfect curves, whichever curves they might be (i think i know but it could be the other too)
So sexy and awesome! and Artsy
Happy HNT
This is a great shot! I love the composition!
You have some of the most beautiful and sensual photos!
Lovely as usual.
Happy HNT!
Simply beautiful!
Binsk, you have totally taken it beyond this universe! Beautiful... just beautiful! cheers and happy hnt!
Gorgeous! Just like everyone else said!
OK, that's an AWESOME picture. And I'm not just saying that because of all the curvaciousness in the pic. Very artistic!
Happy HNT!
lovely shot and great lighting! Happy HNT
Great shot...
Another exceptional post darlin'
you super cala fraja listic espi all doshous ( or however it's spelled) is not nekkidity , it's art, which is so much better smoetimes, in your case, both are eqaul in awesomeness
Beautiful! But then again, your pics always are! Happy HNT!
Love the poem & you DO glow!
Great shapes ya got there...perfect.
very beautiful shot!
You have one of the most creative photographic eyes I've seen in a while. You also have a talent for obscuring your landscape in such a way that it's hard to tell what the original orientation of "things" are. Well done.
Happy HNT!
Wow...that's fabulous!
wow. just.. wow. happy HNT!
You really are an extremely talented, stunningly beautiful soul.
candle light is always so pretty.
another amazing photo...
happy HNT
What an amazing picture!! So creative & WOW!!
Happy HNT!!
I have got to start posting at midnight!
Great Post Binsk!! Happy HNT!
That is HOT! Happy HNT!
Great picture Happy HNT!
OMG I love that picture! How did you take it, or is that a secret? Happy HNT!
Beautiful pic, gal! You continue to wow me!
Happy HNT to you~
I agree with Schadeboy..you are very creative and intuitive with your photography. And powerful words today, too. Happy HNT!!
Binsk.. you did it again! amazing pic, and amazing poem too! happy HNT!
OMG...so sexy!...I think I might be drooling a little...yep, I am...
beautiful picture, nice poem... i give it am A. happy hnt
I can't say anything that 52 other people haven't already, but ...
WOW! Leaves me speechless ....
Incredibly creative!
happy HNT!
A very "artsy" HNT! Happy Thursday!
simply amazing... as usual.
Happy HNT!
Spectacular.... there is really nothing else to say. Happy HNT!
Hot photos and amazing poetry! This is why I love checking out your site. That, and the occasional rant, too.
Nice pic. Nice poem. Have no real idea what I'm truly looking at but I think I like it :P
Stunning! Happy HNT! =)
Beautiful! You are the best, I can't wait to see your pictures each week. Amazing! Love the poem, too!
Happy HNT!
Wow. I am shamed. Not only is your picture better, which is EASY considering the subject matter, but then you go and write this poem to smoke mine off my post from yesterday....
Are you trying to destroy what little confidence I have left??
Seriously, nice post, sweet pic... of course.
Really beautiful. Happy HNT.
Amazingly beautiful! And those words...wow! Don't you ever, ever quit HNT, ya heard?
wow I love how the light bounces off your skin... and the poem is very moving!
Happy HNT!
Awesome picture even though I'm pretty sure I have no idea what I'm looking at.
Holy Gazongas! And thank you for stopping by my first.
Happy HNT!
best hnt pic...ever
very well... lit.
I never know what I'm looking at with your HNTs, but it's still cool.
Gorgeous candles,and...other things.
Well done!
Happy HNT
how do you have 80 comments!? your boobs look really round.
you are sexy as hell...and make my boobs jealous!
Wow..girl...87 comments??? DAY-UMMM.
Well, have a little artistic side to ya, huh?
Very beautiful photo this week Binsk!!!!
That is simply gorgeous, as always.
Every week you just blow me away! Don't melt under the pressure to always be great, like Dave Chapelle. Just keep glowing.
Girlfriend, you couldn't be more popular if you tried. NICELY done, keep that fan club growing...it's gotta feel amazing!
Watch out for that wax...unless you like that sort of thing ;)
Beautiful pic girl! very awesome :) Happy HNT!
you totally stole my idea for next week. Except for the breasts, of course.
Just need 5 more...
That is a very hot pic. Thanks for stopping by my place. Nice to meet you.
All I can say is THANK YOU all so much for your comments. It's really encouraging and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
Simply incredible. Thanks again.
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