Hey new guy,
You've been working with us for 5 days.
Do you think maybe you could keep your Dorito shoot shut?
I don't need you trying to assert your dominance with me (a.k.a. metaphorically peeing on my desk) because:
A) You are nerd
B) You will not win
Go play your ramming horns game with someone else.
First bitches. (no pun intended.)
And you don't need him proverbially humping your leg, either. That comes next.
ok. is that your pup...? She/he is gorgeous... mine is in the pic three posts down it's the tiny little thing sitting on the lap of my other tiny little thing... and my bigger but equally little thing is holding them both.
Sweet? Check out my little things first recorded track. It's a redo of a popular beatles song!! :) LOL
Is his name Craig? Does he wear white socks with black slacks? Does he wear a black leather trenchcoat in June? I know who you're talking about. Figuratively. That's not Dorsey!
Sucks when new people move in and they act like they own the bitch. What's worse is when it's your own friend, ugh that's always embarrassing.
That dog is way cute but they eyes are really weirding me out!
You tell him, B~
By the way... the photo? My thoughts EXACTLY!!!!
How did you take that pic so timely ?
I am really freaked out by that picture.
so what vintage does he like :P
awwww hes a cutie, those little ears...and i love his collar...
On a matter completely unrelated to the freaky dog photo, if you're going to try haloscan comments, I just added the code they supplied manually, but didn't delete any existing comment code. I had to try it a few times to get the positioning right.
i vote B
what an interesting puppy.....
maybe you should pee on his desk to set the tone...
The puppy looks like he/she's having a private Mardi Gras. :D
Yeah, office pranks sound like a good idea.
That's awesome! Can't wait to hear it. Glad you had a good time.
you should "literally" pee on a desk..
that would be funny shit!
What really sucks is when the new guy is in charge of your department. We've got one of those and I'm fairly certain that I'm ultimately going to get fired for punching him in the mouth.
You have my sympathies.
Yeah he's not my boss or anything so I could technically punch him in the mouth but then there's the whole chance of assault charges and/or him punching me in the mouth back so I guess I'll just give him dirty looks. :)
Oh good God! Is that your dog? Oh, he doesn't look well at all.
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