52. I cannot STAND the sound of the dryer finishing.
53. I won a colouring contest when I was 13.
54. I lied and said I was 12.
55. When I was 19 I was unjustly fired from a coffee shop. My boyfriend at the time was so upset that I was crying that he took an entire garbage bag full of croissants and dumped them in the middle of the floor during their morning rush.
56. Another boyfriend, another lost job, and a molotav cocktail. I SWEAR I had NO idea he was going to do something like that.
57. The Dollar Store confuses me. How can they sell all of that shit for only a dollar?
58. "Give me Shelter" is my favourite Rolling Stones song.
59. I've been drinking with Darrell Power of Great Big Sea. He's as funny as all of the other Newfies* I've met.
60. I always mute commercials when I'm watching t.v. due to the fact that they turn the volume up to mach gazillion. Yeah, I know mach is speed.
61. I am a very light sleeper so don't try and sneak into my bedroom when I'm sleeping.
62. I think the sleep button on an alarm clock is one of the greatest inventions ever. I'm surprised mine hasn't worn out.
63. Has been deleted due to the chance that it could incriminate me in a court of law.
64. I can drink most people under the table.
65. I always have a Bionaire air purifier running, mostly for the sound.
66. I have four piercings in my ears, three on the left, one on the right, but I never wear earrings because they make my ears red and itchy.
67. Flip This House on A&E is my new favourite show.
68. I played hockey for one year when I was 11. (oh yeah baby, that jacket is 100 percent 80's corduroy)
70. I think university is a bunch of bull unless you are going to be a doctor.
71. I think everyone should stop microwaving stuff in plastic.
72. I tried out to be a cheerleader, I made the team, and then I quit.
73. My favourite word is Haligonian.
74. Sometimes I play dumb to see if new people I meet are nice or not. Is that manipulative? Ooops.
75. Sometimes I'm just a little south of smart on unpurpose.
*The term Newfie is used in the most loving way possible.
You LIED to win a coloring contest? OMG...I'm laughing...thank you.
OMG!!! #72 - I tried out to be a cheerleader, I made the team, and then I quit - I did the same thing!!!
I like your list!!
lol ~ you are so effin cool!
I feel the same way about #70 - Universities only being for docs. I hate being a college student. NOT FOR ME!
Loved the list. I mute commercials too. I hate how they ramp the volume. Grrrr... I've changed the content of my blog a bit... please come and visit. :-)
Very interesting, thanks. :) I agree with 70 too and not because I'm a college student, but come on seriously, it seems like a waste of time to go just for English or History or any other highschool subject. Music on the other hand... well... could be in the same boat.
I think the dollar store is where they take all this stuff that only costs 79 cents and mark it up to a dollar.
I hate the sound of the dryer going off too. But I hate wrinkles, so lose either way.
I also love to hear some kind of noise in the house, fans etc.
I gotta know...what does haligonian mean?
i made the cheerleading team and quit also, everyone was mean to me cos i was the only white girl. i like reading these lists.
in my high school it was NOT cool to be a cheerleader. i think only grade nines did it.
I hate the dollar stores that sell stuff for $2 or $3 dollars. WTF?
On Number 52, I like when the laundry is being done, when it's in the wash cycle I like to watch the bubbles go round and round.
re: #58 --
Gimme Shelter may be your favorte Rolling Stones MOVIE, too!
I'll have to check it out, now that I know how to spell the title of my favourite RS song.
Rik a Haligonian is a person from Halifax, Nova Scotia...I wish I were because then I would go around telling everyone I was a Haligonian all day long. Every day.
Very interesting list...
I hate that dryer sound too, it makes me think of my neighbor's angry orgasms. Hee hee.
"Haligonian" sounds almost other-worldly. :D
i can be very sneaky.
hiya, i'm moving my blog from tomorrow to
RE: #63. I KNEW that was YOU!!! I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog too!!
#55 ROCKS!!!
i work at a dollar store and most of our shit isn't even a dollar
i was going to say something else but now i forgot what it was
HEY! I mentioned the Leafs on my blog!!
62 is definitely spot on!
I have three peircings in my left ear and one in my right too! But everyone always thinks that's weird.
Your boyfriends react pretty strongly when you lose a job, eh? I hope you don't do that often.
Cheerleader, eh? I was, too, one year in college. Let's do a stunt!
I love what you said about Jaguars. The most infamous car in all of Memphis is Tamara Mitchelle Ford's Jaguar. She uses it like a battering ram. We're all very impressed at how well those cars stand up to her abuse, but we still associate them with her phenomenal temper and Mad Black Woman insanity.
"51. I have never met a person that drives a Jaguar that I didn't want to punch in the face. What a bunch of tools......"
My mum owned a jag once, it was burgandy and looked like a regular car just a bit lower, and a shit load faster.
She's old and welsh and very lovely. you should revise this number to:"51. I have never met a Canadian/American that drives a Jaguar that I didn't want to punch in the face. What a bunch of tools."
Actually I think the same of people that drive Trans Ams so perhaps it's a cultural thing.
51. I have never met a person that drives a Jaguar that I didn't want to punch in the face. What a bunch of tools.
I've met one, but she sold it and bought a real car.
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