Saturday, September 24, 2005

When you are eating alone and you get this fortune what does it mean?

You wanna know what was next to me when I opened this? A beer, 1/2 a diet coke, a mirror and my computer.


Leesa said...

Hmm...I would say that IS happiness!!! NO??

Princess Pessimism said...

i would agree , it might be a test, do u want to loose your memory bye drinking aspertaime or get drunk and find some hottie to flirt wiht , mmmmmmmmm or just stair at yourself , that makes me happy , but i'm vain ,

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing it was the beer.

sinner said...

it means my blog has been where it's always been.

mebbe it's somebody you're emailing?

Anonymous said...

Interesting. I guess that maybe you should've look around the restaurant a bit?

Marianna said...

I'm likin' your fortune!


sinner said...

now it works

Robin said...

Beer is proof that the good Lord loves us...
-Bubba Whoop-ass Wilson

Anonymous said...

I'd say that is one hell of a fortune!

Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

Well, my guess is it was the mirror.
Meaning, that happiness comes from you. You have to start by being happy with yourself, BELIEVE in yourself.
When you truly are confident, when you KNOW that you can handle anything that this world throws at you, then you will have inner peace and happiness. Your inner happiness will shine and attract others like you and you will be more receptive to positive things, instead of maybe thinking "That's only for others, not me, I'll never get that". You will believe and KNOW that you can achieve anything you set yourself to.

That.....or it was the beer, and you should start drinking heavily.

I get confused on these things sometimes.

Outburst said...

Yep, that's most of the ingredients for happiness in my mind.

Kim said...

I got that same fortune last time I got take out! And all I had next to me was my computer and chicken fried rice.

Spider said...


I always play the "In Bed" game with fortune cookie fortunes. So that fortune would have read, "Stop searching forever, happiness is just next to you. . .IN BED."

Soooooo Binsk, let me guess. . .you have a "Rabbit" there with you or perhaps the "Butterfly." :-P

(Though a good beer is a fine ingredient for happiness.)


P.S. Robin, that "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." is originally from Benjamin Franklin.

... said...

see the fates knew you had that nice refreshing beer.