Friday, November 10, 2006

So I was at work tonight right?

And I looked at the new schedule and my hours are cut down from FIVE shifts to TWO.

And the owner that doesn't write the schedule tells me at the end of the night that the OTHER owner who does write the schedule wants to meet up with me tomorrow at 1 p.m. (on my day off)

I say "Why?"

He says "Oh I don't know."

Bullshit he doesn't know.

I say I have a really busy day but I will try and if I can't make it I will call.

"Oh okay that'll be good." he says.

What the fucking fuck?


Osbasso said...

Hmmm... Thinking good thoughts your way. Hope things aren't as ominous as they seem...

JaG said...

What Osbasso said.

Vivalacrap said...

wow. Hope you aren't getting dooced or anything. But maybe that would be good because then you would attain internet FAME or whatever. Course... no job or anything... hey my bar is hiring! LOL.

Ophelia Mourne said...

I too hope everything turns out alright. Two shifts...I'd start looking for more work. What gets me is that they never tell you they are changing or cutting shifts, you always have to wait for the schedule. Then they act all funny when you do talk to them. grr