This is my friend Lysa:

Lysa is a newish blogger, but I've known her since we were eleven or twelve.
This is her first Half-Nekkid Thursday picture:
That is a sunburn. Can you imagine?? Click here to say hi and encourage her to share more crazy pictures with us.
You rock Robin. I love your blog and hopefully one day I can post a HNT 1/2 as good as yours!!
Is that REALLY sunburn?
I'm about to go cry in sympathy if it is...
oh man, that looks painful!! -- almost surreal, in fact.
Holy Jesusfuck, that can not be a sunburn. I'm one pale SOB, so I know sunburns, and if that's not red paint... oy vey.
I hope she had a doctor check that out.
Welcome to HNT, Lysa! :)
And oh my...that sunburn looks horrific. I cannot imagine the pain from that, actually. OUCH
doctor hell, that's hospitalization burn. nice cleavage though.
OMG that looks HORRIBLE...i can not even imagine the pain...
Oh My God! Where did she get those awful striped undies?!
No, seriously, that burn looks horrendous. And I should know, I've had quite a few severe sunburns that left me blistered and puking for days.
OK, gotta go say 'hi' to her 'cause you asked me to.
Oh my! Did she had a special seat developed to not make her weep while sitting down? And hey Lysa!!!
Ok, damn! That picture hurt me!
Please tell me that's not a sunburn.
When I was a kid I fell asleep on my stomach on the beach.
The next day the skin on my back had bubbled and turned green and my chances of getting skin cancer probably multiplied tenfold. that really a sunburn??? That's awful :(
Oh bless her heart! HOW HORRIBLE!
OMFG! I have never seen sunburn like that! It took a minute to register what I was seeing!
Those look like 2nd degree burns. Do you have to lay around all day on your stomach? Did you fall asleep?? O. M. G.
Holy shit, girl. Dammit. Ouch.
Ok. There are so many comments to address. First, yes that is unfortunately a real sun burn. And it turned out to be 2nd degree. It looks a big gooey because I have aloe vera gel on it. I did go to Emergency once the THC and booze got out of my system. The worse part of the Emergency trip was that I couldn't sit down and I really couldn't stand. So I paced for a bit and looked pathetic. In fact, since I was walking funny, I am sure there were a couple people there wondering if I got something "stuck" up my butt!
I spent the next couple of days lying on my stomach in bed having friends and family members put silver sulfamide on me. It was quite humiliating because I was in a chubby state then. Also those ugly underwear are from american eagle. Boys cut. Worse is that in my drunken state I put them on inside out. I brought them with me because they are the only "respectable" underwear I have.
The burn came from only one hour in the sun. (No drugs or alcohol involved). I was chatting with a girl. It had been about six years since I sat on a beach in the sun. I forgot to put the sunscreen on the back of my legs because I had verbal diarrhea. My chattiness has caused a lot of casualities in the past!
Thank you all for checking out my HNT. I already have taken a more HNT Worthy pic for this week!
Thanks BINSKy!!!!!!!
Oh by the way, as for the THC, I didn't inhale.
that poor DEAR!!! i can't imagine!
Wow that must of hurt! That's why I prefer to get my suntan from the computer monitor.
"Oh by the way, as for the THC, I didn't inhale."
It's medicinal, I swear! I'll stop as soon as the pain goes away and... hey, are you going to finish that burrito?
Welcome, Lysa, to the blogging community.
That is the most painful looking sunburn I have EVER seen. I weep just looking at it.
Holy Mother of God! That is the most painful sunburn I've ever seen! I bet she was in some serious pain for weeks! Next time tell her to soak in a bath of vinegar and cool/lukewarm takes the sting out!
MMMMMMMMm burito!
Thanks for all your support, I might start a group for Sunburns Anonymous!
great googly-moogly!!
Hard to ignore all that red, even with the cute garments...
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