Don't worry, he didn't cross your path, he's just laying there all cute and stuff on your monitor. And besides look how tiny he is.
But just to be safe maybe you should throw some salt over your left shoulder and jump around on one foot for a bit.
I got interviewed by Zona Boy...this shit is starting to go to my head yo. Nah.
lol ~ great interview!
As far as the "bad luck" thing, I think mine started on European time because since yesterday evening, my luck has been CRAP!
i wanna hold your hand.
just for a sec.
Love the interview. You are even sexier in words than you are in your HNT photos. I love your mind. OK, your ass and boobs are pretty spectacular too, but that mind ... Fuckin' scorchin.
If a tiny black cat crosses your path, does that mean you only get a tiny bit of bad luck?
And insightful. Well done!
Little black kitties need love too.
Nice interview; can I have your autograph?
i noticed the new song quote in your header.... love that song....
there's a market value on love and we're getting something for free....
What a cute kitten!! Great site. Love the waist chain on your HNT pics.
I have a black cat of my own. The only danger from having her cross your path is that she may turn and attack your ankles. Mostly, though, she's just a big lap bandit, always on the prowl for the next lap to hijack.
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