Monday, January 30, 2006

The Superstore in my town just opened and it should be called the Onlystore because there is NOTHING that you can't buy there. It kinda freaks me out.

Anyway, I was standing at the deli, which is twenty aisles over from furniture, and there are A LOT of people waiting in line. Everybody is taking their turn, like good little shoppers, when a new deli boy comes along and says:

"Who's next?"

I think it might be me so I say:

"Maybe me?"

The woman beside me says:

"No it's that guy."
(pointing to an older dude way down on the other side of the football field deli counter)

I say:

"Oh sorry, I didn't see him."

She says :

"Well I only noticed him because I danced with him. Well not REALLY, but you know what I mean."

I smile, because when people say things that make no sense to me I am not really interested in asking them what the hell they are talking about. But after I left I couldn't stop thinking about what she said to me:

"I danced with him. Well not REALLY, but you know what I mean."

Nuh uh.

Do you know what the hell that means?????


Paul said...

I think it means that she and he were getting in each other's way, you know, like when you go left then they go in the same direction, then you go right and they go left? Kind of like a retarded dance?

Either that or she had sex with him.

Anonymous said...

It means the show's going on in her head.

Boysenberry said...

I agree with Paul. I know I've thought of it as dancing a little when I've been caught in the sideways synchronised shuffle.

Christopher D. Bate said...

I'd go with the sex thing.

Marianna said...

The comments are hysterical here today... LOL


Joe said...

If it wasn't the aisle dancing thing then I'd hate to see what's going on in the mattress section of the furniture area.

Robin said...

Maybe she meant, "And then I'M next."

Either that or the horizontal mambo.

JTL said...

Maybe they, like, danced on the same dance floor once-upon-a-time, but not with each other.

The Hatleyman said...

It means they had crazy monkey jungle sex on isle 489...the radio isle.

Michael said...

Maybe there's a dance floor somewhere in the store that you never got to see. You did say it was a Superstore.

Either that or the sex thing...

sinner said...

Superstore has the best produce section of all the stores in Canada. It's the only store where I can find beef tongue on a regular basis. I LOVE Superstore.

Lysa said...

Love the Superstore........ Actually I am not really allowed to go there anymore. It seems I can't stop myself from buying shit when I am supposed to be buying groceries. Boots, books, dishes, nalgene bottle, barbies, video games, movies, ladles, you name it. I want it. Worst part is I usually forget the milk I went there for.
I miss that store.........

warcrygirl said...

Lemme guess, they sell mattresses there, too? Or camping gear? Maybe they got jiggy in the sporting goods section, then wanted to satisfy some post-coital munchies.

Or it's what Paul said...