I had a few Stellas and decided to cut my own hair for HNT.
I haven't had bangs for TEN years.
And in case you don't care about my bangs, here's a more nekkid photo...

If you want to play HNT and you don't know what it is, click the red button in the sidebar.
Bangs rock!
Good job on the bangs, mine always come out too short-- I told my mom to get a bigger bowl, but she won't listen.
Happy HNT!
Okay, where do I start?
First, the pic of the scissors is freaky scary, chick.
Second, I like all your pics -- but the second rocks.
Finally, I ALMOST cut my own hair this week. Good think my kitchen is still torn up, or I'd have located those scissors.
Happy HNT.
have fun with the bangs...i have to have them... :)
I too cut my own hair this week.
I love your bangs!
Happy HNT!
Both are fabulous!
Happy HNT!
Run away with me you gorgeous bangy chick you. Lets go visit somewhere primitive and exotic like ... oh, I don't know, Canada maybe? HHNT doll.
nice happy HNT
Yea! Bangs! Happy HNT!
I like the Bangs! Much better than when I try and cut mine or even the weebelly's. Actually, my family has removed all the scissors from my house...
Happy HNT!
Okay, that first scissor pic scared me, but the bangs look cool. Then you go and post that last shot and I can't think straight enough and had to search for 5 minutes to remember the word "bangs" - Happy HNT!
I cut my hair today, too! But after I took my HNT picture.
love the bangs!
Nice bangs. Nice boobs.
I let my sister cut my hair once. Only once. Never again.
I actually have a blog where I only post HNT pics. I figured I'd tell you. It's here
BRAVE! last time i had scissors near my head I was 6 or so... me + hair = disaster. I'm lucky I can manage to brush it LOL. Happy HNT
I cut my own hair too, but to all the same length with clippers. You are a brave Canadian.
Love your pictures.
a good hair cut fixes, cures, enhances, ANYTHING. lol
just for us?
your sweet.
happy HNT!
liking the bangs... and the other pic as well.
Happy HNT
Ten years?? Wow - you are brave! Looks great!! I do like bangs but the other pic is sexy too - hehe!!
Happy HNT!!
Aaaaaah, don't cut the hair!!!
Ew, too late. Well, you look pretty anyway. OK, it's OK then.
Hey, naked Binsk! WOOOOOOO!!
You look fabulous with the bangs. Verrrry sexy.
Happy HNT!
Hair? I hadn't noticed your hands are in the way. Oh, the top picture. Very nice.
Happy HNT
Oh, please tell me you didn't do that with kitchen scissors! As an ex-cosmetologist, I had to cringe when I saw those.
The bangs look awesome, though! Sexy!
Happy HNT! :)
You wear bangs well. They look so wispy, kinda Bjorkish, but in a good way.
Thank you for missing me. :)
Great job on the bangs!
i wanna get my hair cut too but i keep puttin it off..
Happy HNT..
The bangs are very flattering! Cool photo sequence in the before and after. :) Happy HNT!
Very sexy hair!! It is amazing how much you can do with some liquid courage. hehe
Happy HNT gorgeous!
amazing what a wispy bang can do... gorgeous. hhnt
bangs, bangs, bangs! Why is it always about bangs?
Oh, it isn't?
Happy HNT!
The fringe is sexy as hell. I don't have the correctly shaped head or some shit. All I know is I look terrible with them. And you did it yourself? that's awesome. Love it.
Happy HNT!
Your bangs look great!
Happy HNT--
Nothing like a good bang, I always say...
Happy HNT x
Good lookin' bangs. You are very brave or very knowledgable with a few beers in you. I wouldn't be as brave to cut my own hair.
Happy HNT!
I've had bangs most of my life, but then again I have the gigantic forehead so I need them. Does this mean you're now bangable? ;)
Happy HNT!
I was fine with the hair shots... but... hey.. I'll take a little boob action ANY day...lol.. HHNT!
You always have the coolest pics! Happy hnt!!!
I actually like bangs. They can permanently make a woman look sexy, like she's naughtily peeking out from under them.
You look great!
gasping. i'd never be that brave. happy HNT though, looks great!
Bangs & a sexy cleavage? Can't ask for more!
You're beautiful gal... with or without bangs.
Love the bangs looks, Binsk. You look absolutely beautiful (as always).
Looks great! Happy HNT!
Happy HNT!!
Exceptionally beautiful, from head to toe!
But why do I keep hearing "she bangs, she bangs"?
Happy HNT girl!
great pics, don't cut too much off!
happy hnt :)
She bangs! Shebang, shebang, shoobadee doobadee doobadee doobadee bang shebang, etc...
Happy HNT Binsky!
What a gutsy girl going for the bangs!
I LIKE it... oh yeah, and the nekkidness following is top notch.
But Binsk never dissapoints ; )
you are brave girl, looks fab!!!
I like the bangs on you... although I don't think you could go wrong either way... you look good girl!...happy HNT
The bangs look good! Must be tricky cutting your own hair though.
Second shot is great too! Happy HNT
I care deeply about your bangs! Very lovely they are too!
Great bangs!
Happy HNT!
Bangs are sexy!
Happy HNT!
I have not tried to cut my own hair since I was a kid and I gave myself the worst hair cut ever.
Happy HNT, I think pic # 3 is my fav.
Sexy bangs, hon! And the boobs look great too! Happy happy HNT!
I cringed when I saw you take a scissor to your own hair....a cardinal sin in my book (maybe because I am totally inept at it). But you look great, good job. And thanks for the boobs...
Happy HNT!
Banged yer head eh?
but of course i care about your bangs...
Bangs definitely rock, as long as they aren't the short, thick, straight-across kind. Yours are fine. =)
And I think your HNT entry is a good one. Your pose looks very intimate.
(and the second photo IS the better one, I think)
Happy HNT!
Love it! The cut and the eyes!
Happy HNT!
I like your new look w/the bangs..i am a bangs girl myself..
Happy HNT!
love the bangs. someday i'll have bangs again...
Get away!!!
Okay, call it an irrational fear of scissage.
But, darling, you're fab as always.
Cool, like the photos! Plus the bangs look cute on ya.
Funny because I read this article in the paper today about this (I think British) girl who filed suit against her on again off again boyfriend of 5 years who, when she woke him up, pinned her down and cut off her ponytail without her consent.
So these lawyers or judges or whoever spent all this time trying to figure out if hair is alive or dead, etc.....I'm not sure what the outcome was though....
Hmm I haven't had bangs in 10 years either... maybe I... nah!
I'm too scared.. hehe
Happy HNT!
You've got mad skills! Happy HNT!
so do you love the bang or hate the bang?
i have been in a love-hate relationship with my bangs for years. I have to have em......but they are high maintenance! They look fresh and funky on you!
I swear woman, you must have 772 different faces. The bangs look good. I like the "what are you doing with that thing?" look. ;)
Oh, I like bangs! They look very charming on you. Now don't start wearing hats, but show off your ultra-hip bangs!!!
boobs i can see every day; but cutting your own bangs--that takes guts!!!
Great bangs. All sites should be at least half nekked.
Perhaps you should enter this competition:
Notice the similarities in your images to the sample on the left sidebar of the page above.
Everyone says they like the bangs!! Well I like the boobs! Nice work!
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