Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Dear CNN,

Thanks for showing me video of a poor little seal that was washed away in the hurricane, from the place where we were holding it in captivity, for our amusement.

I fell in love with the poor little thing who was, at the time, being splashed with water by awesome people who were trying to keep it alive until it was rescued.

And then thanks for UPDATING the story, by telling us that the cops decided that rather than splashing the seal with water until it could be looked at by PROFESSIONALS who deal with seals, they would shoot it in the head twice to "put it out of its misery."

Hope that you are never in a situation where somebody thinks that you are miserable and shoots you in the head.


Lisa said...

I saw that =(... worst of all, they said there were three of them washed up ...what happened to the other two ???? someone run and hide them!!!! before they get shot!

Robin Alexa said...

Yeah don't you think they could have just left out the shooting in the head part, you know, stopped reporting on the seal sitch?"

Epikate said...

Well said.

Sensationalist bastards.

Robin said...

Fox has been worse...they keep showing black people looting Walmart and talking about how evil they are. You see the connection, right? Fox says black people (looting) are evil... not much emphasis on the "looting" part, if you get my drift.
Talk about disgusting.

Anti-Blogger said...


JTL said...

Someone please save the seals! They're too cute to die!

Walruses, on the other hand... meh, they're too ugly. Let 'em starve.

Animal-based media sensationalism. Gotta love it.

Leesa said...

Geez..I didn't hear about that!! What a bunch of bullsh*t! Uggh..just to make the news even worse.

Some Random Girl said...

OMG, are you kidding? That is horrible!!! I am always hearing about law enforcement shooting some poor wild animal...Uh, I believe they were here first. That cop should be fired....

CheekyMoo said...

I saw that too. It made me feel like throwing up. I can't believe they did that. Poor seal.

Johnny Wadd said...

Wouldn't have it been better to just release the thing and let it take it's chances in the water. After all, it is a fucking sea lion.

Robin Alexa said...

Oh you'd think.

Mona said...

Yeah, that was a pretty rotten act and a rotten news story. JEEEEZ.