I received this in the mail today from my brother. And it did come with a case, a very nice paper one with staple stitching. Much better than one of those boring plastic ones I think.
Thank you so much Bibby (that's what I call him - clever huh?)
Yeah I just switched the 'o' for an 'i' - it's genius I tell you.
So what kinda of muzaaak's on there?
And where's your HNT today, gal?
I was WAY too PMS-y to participate in HNT.
Hopefully next week I will be semi sane.
I haven't listened to it yet...I will let you know, by email cause I'm sure no one else cares.
Thanks for caring M.
Hey, don't sell yourself short ... I'm sure at least 4,275 people might care if they knew you existed ... well, I do and I do! That's two down. I can forgive the PMS-ing but if we're gonna run off to Figi and live happily ever after, you gotta get to the store and stock up on those skimpy assed bikinis and sarongs (for those topless ceremony days). I missed you this week Binsk. I heard you call me a whore a hundred times but never a new written word. 'scuse me I need to call my therapist ... ::sob::
LOL HHNT babe. hope it feels better soon. I really do miss you and tomorrow is illo friday! Love ya
Missed ya today :) You'll have to tell us what's on the CD.
I love the CD case he sent you! It looks just like several of mine.
lol ~ we DO care, you silly chick.
I'm right there with ya on the PMS. UGH!
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