I have a big presentation today (Thursday - maybe I'm doing it RIGHT now) which could change my career...so if you could send me some positive, winning the deal vibes, I will be so grateful. I will also buy you a beer if we get it. I'm serious.
Click the red button in the sidebar if you haven't joined us yet in the half nekkid world.
in a word, spectacular.
in a thought, good things for my pal Robin. :)
Wishing you absolutely the best.
I'll be thinking about you.
You're just beautiful, Robin.
I just love this one. Make's me almost wish I had my own boobs. Good luck with the presentation. I will be thinking about you tomorrow/today.
Kick ass with the presentation!
You know, maybe it's time to extend this idea to Half-Nekkid Presentations... Hey, could work!
Beautiful! Good luck with the presentation.
Outstanding, Binsk. This is sheer art, honeygirl! HHNT. Don't know if I'll make it up this week or not -- have to see if the mood strikes me.
with 'presentations' like that.. sure you're gonna get it!! all the best!
You'll wow them just like you wow us every week.
I have to say while I love this shot, it also confuses me a bit, I think I see arm and boob and thigh. Do I?
Happy HNT, Binsk.
Good job vibes going out your way.... and a wonderful shot... again. :) Cheers and Happy HNT!
You always have the coolest shots...sending good vibes your way :)
You Go Girl!!!
Great Picture.
Happy HNT!!
your photos are always so amazing....sending lots of good karmic thoughts your way for the success of your deal! HHNT!
I'll have a Keith's please (I know your presentation will be awesome, just like your pictures)
Happy HNT!
If your boardroom presentation is anything like your HNT presentation ... you are in like Flynn, girlfriend. Good luck and lovin' that shot. You are spectacular. Love ya and HHNT.
I think I spy some booby!! Happy HNT and good luck!!
Very artistic, beautiful, and amazing lighting!
Happy HNT!
good luck with e presentation. love the pic.
Happy hnt
Good Luck! (now you owe me a beer if you win the deal)
Great pic...lovely!
Love all the curves!
And good luck with your presentation. I hope it goes well.
I'm closing my eyes hard and thinking good luck thoughts in your direction right now.
Happy HNT!
Every positive vibe you ever sent me, well, I'm sending it back to you 10 fold!!!! GOOD LUCK, I HOPE YOU GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!
Wonderfully shot. Happy HNT.
Wait---that doesn't look like feet!
Best of luck! Bring the beer to Chicago!!
good luck!
very abstract...i like it. reminds me of "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
Nice curves and good luck!! :D
Happy HNT!
Great HNT pic. It certainly has me thinking... :)
What a beautiful picture! And many, many good luck, awesome vibes, and excellent deal makin' mojo thoughts coming your way!
Happy HNT!
Beautiful and very artistically done.
"happy thoughts happy thought happy thoughts"
Ok, if you get this, you know you've got a lot of traveling to do right?
Happy HNT, awesome as always...
Good luck!
Good Luck with the presentation!
And that's a very cool HNT pic.
you always have great angles for your shots. Happy HNT
Awesome pic! Good luck with the presentation/job thingy! HHNT!
I'm sending you the good MOJO vibe in hopes that you do well.
If you are nerveous - just remember...cleavage - cleavage - cleavage.
You'll be great!!! You are great!!!
And, beautiful!!!! Happy HNT!!
I did an affirmation in my mirror for you! Hopefully that will work! Nice HNT as usual!!!
Oh, That is a really good angle and sexy too.
Happy HNT!
Good Luck. Break an arm but only because you'll probably need a leg to get to the presentation. THanks for the comments. I blog rolled you :)
Sending you lots and lots of positive vibes, hope the presentation goes extremely well.
good luck and can i borrow some money if you get the job?
Binsk, you always, always have excellent HNT. Love it!
And I'm sending you my bestest vibes for the career changing move. Best of luck to ya, babe!
Excellent shot and...how did the presentation go. I would send vibes but with the time difference and all
all i can do is say Mahalo
Awesome pic! Sent good thoughts your way! I'm sure everything will work out in your favour! I'll hold you to the beer!
Happy HNT!
very nice! I love the hint of light and the warm glow!
What a lovely lava lamp! Mine's boring purple.
Also, you mean to tell me with a site like this... you can't find yourself a wierdo? You want a website to find them? ;) he he.
Good vibes ---> your way.
Good luck with your presentation, B.
Great curves... great pic!
I don't think you need our vibes to succeed, but you got 'em anyway. HHNT!
It's a bit late in the day so I'm sure your presentation is over but I hope it all went well and you get the decision you want soon. Happy HNT!
Hey! Hey! I've changed my address. If you still want be be blog buds then adjust your links to the following:
I can be found here from here on in...
You do so rock. If you haven't done your presentation, well, I'm sure you'll blow them all away with your ideas, you wit, charm, and yeah, the hottie factor.
Go rock the house.
But be careful, you're Canadian so those snow blocks - I've heard they aren't so stable with loud noises... Igloos, right?
Go Rock the Igloos! Go Trample 'em With Some Caribou or Elk or MEESE or something!!
sending all things positive your way ~~~ your photo is incredible, a work of art :) HHNT!
the answer and the post are still in there. the answer was charlie daniels band. the winners were dan, tish, jan and erik axdahl. i havent been over here in a while. thats a pretty good caricature of you on the side bar. i should come by more often.
luverly pic and i hope all goes well doll!
the pic reminds me of a lavalamp in some way.
I know I am late but Happy HNT....very nice and curvy :-D
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