I am a very spoiled blogger. First Paul from Ajax made me a video...and now my buddy Damien has done a caricature of me. Actually he made two of them (the other one is wearing a bikini) so I'm going to add it to my HNT tomorrow. Thank you so much Damien. You are so talented, and you made me look all hot and stuff.
Also, my mother and I went shopping today and filled a huge hamper with adorable little clothes and toys for Christmas for a two and a half year old girl who is in need. Nothing is more fulfilling. I feel stupid for not liking Christmas much until now.
That is cool!
That really looks good!
I love to buy for kids in need. We do it every year :)
That pic is really cool, I want one!
Awesome! I'm so jealous. I actually always wanted someone to do a Manga drawing of me. Someday... someday...
How cool is that drawing?! OMG!
And that's very honorable of you to fill that hamper for kids.
Thanks for the new nickname... lol.. I prefer The Minx...
Way to go Damien! You really captured the essence of that enigma we like to call Binsk! That's a great pic and you are a great Girl. ::kisses::
Ummm, I think that's a little cooler than the video I made. No, wait, on second thought...no, it is.
Very well done. The person who did this for you did a marvelous job. And I don't think that the photo makes you look sexy. You already are.
good for you doing nice stuff!
How cool that? Damien and Paul are my new heroes.
Doing the "Secret Santa" thing, or anonymously buying gifts for needy children is always the most satisfying thing about Christmas. Seeing my kids open their presents draws in a close second.
Good on ya for filling the hamper; have a Merry Christmas hon!
that's uber cool!
He made you look as you are, a little exaggerated in parts like a comical caricature, but very well done.
Yah, I'm so not into Christmas this year. I can't wait till it's all over really. It has it's good elements, but all the hooplah is annoying.
so jealous!! what a great caricature!! loverly doll. can't wait to see tomorrows.....
Well, you know the drill. I can't see the photo, but when I get home.
Glad to hear that you're enjoying buying for a poor child and that you're enjoying Christmas.
Merry Christmas, Winnie!
Ha! I love that caricature! And we always try to pick names off the Salvation Army tree every year and WAY overbuy for a child in need, too. I like to imagine their big eyes when they see their presents. :)
Your minions are talented!
oooh I want one of me!!! me!! me!!!!
That is a great caricature.
A lindor chocolate with a cup of coffee. My favorite breakfast. Good thing I don't have it too often, though. My waistline wouldn't appreciate it.
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