Okay I went to see King Kong tonight and didn't take any pictures so Damien's awesome caricature above is my HNT for today. I look EXACTLY like that in a bikini. Yep. I'm not lying.
If you want some real nudity you can go see Ty (I'm talking REALLY nude so don't click this if you are at work or something)
Happy HNT.
I love it! Its beautifully done! Cheers and happy HNT!
Binsk, Why wasn't I born north of the border. Every time I see a picture of you (even a caricature) I bust out into several verses of "Oh, Canada!" (OK, it's the same verse but I sing it seven or eight times.) You are a siren. HHNT
I'd marry you just like that *snap*.
It is so YOU, as far as I can tell anyway.
I want a caricature too!
Happy HNT, Binsk. I love stopping here.
that IS a nice caricature! and if you looked like THAT in a bikini i would run the other direction. seriously! no offense!
Happy HNT
and happy holiday!
Happy HNT to you, too!!
Very cool! Perfect likeness :o) Cheers!
hey you sex kitten! **purr**
I'm pretty sure its very similar to the real Binsk :)
Awww, so cute! It looks just like you! Happy HNT! :)
THat's very cool. And I believe you when you say you look exactly like that. Of course, I have no reason not to.
Happy HNT!
Oh, how was Kong?
Hey, thats totally cool! Happy HNT!
if i even looked any bit like that in a bikini i wouldn't be wearing anything else...
Very sexy as usual!!
Happy HNT babe!
Stunning. Very artistic. HHNT
Cool caricature. Happy HNT!
Great bikini!
Are you one of Ty's girlies?
Happy HNT.
How cool is that!! I love your Avatar....
Happy HNT,
Happy HNT!
Very cool!!!
Happy HNT!
That's very cute...but I still prefer the 'real' you! Happy HNT!
That's really cute. You should post a real bikini shot one day. Uh...for comparison purposes and all, I mean.
oh way cool!! :) happy HNT!
That is so cool!! Your HNT's are always so creative!!
Happy HNT!!
That's awesome!
Happy HNT :)
Absolutely love it!
That is the sexiest caricature that I've ever seen...
Happy HNT!
That's cute!
I can't see it anyway, but I'll check it out when I get home. As for Ty, that sounds like a guy's name so maybe I'm glad I can't see for that one?
Awesome! Happy HNT!
You must've had the heat turned up real high posing for that one!
How was the flick about the big ape? I think I'm going tonight.
that's really well done! wow! happy HNT Binsk!
COMPLETELY unrelated Binny, but do you know if Lisa and Dave are even alive anymore?
Looks great! Happy HNT.
incredible characature, and still HAWT! Love it, Binsk ;-) *hugs* happy hnt
Sorry.... the real thing wins, hands down!
hey, thats pretty cool :) lovely!
happy hnt!
Binsk = HOT in any medium!
Happy HNT!
...and a link to real porn? If you had a BBQ sandwich and beer on your site, i'd ask you to marry me, Binsk.
it's a "binskini"!!! Happy HNT...
Ya look fabulous, dahling! HHNT.
This is awesome!
so nice! Happy HNT!
bee stings white ninja?
cartoon binsk makes me horny.
My computer is working again! Yay! Wheee! I don't even know if you'll read this! Don't get your hopes up that I will add to my blog - I am incredibly lazy. My email program was wiped out by the repair, so please send me another email to: imck@earthlink.net
- C.K.
damien has such mad skilz.
mad skillz indeed.
Cheers G Dawg, and anytime Binkster - merry Xmas and happy New Years too.
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