What the hell did you put the wallpaper border on with in the bathroom? Krazy Glue? Do you know how long it has taken to remove? I think it would have been faster to take the walls out.
Also who picked that pattern? Your great Grandmother? I mean, who under the age of 90 puts up a dark green border with pink roses and blue ribbons?
I guess you thought that lovely dusty rose colour was the perfect backdrop. Gah.
Dear Retailer,
Please stop selling Krazy Glue to morons.
I really hope you are doing well. I was very happy to find your site once again after you switch blogs on me yet again. You can't keep hidding from Paul. You really have to face the facts and tell him what really happened between you and Frank.
Mr. Morris
Ask Morris
I feel your pain. I just took down the olive green and mauve wallpaper in my kitchen. One of the many lovely rooms that the previous owners decorated here that have taken me 3 years to redo. It doesn't look like Country Classic anymore thank God.
Oh, wow, we had the same wallpaper in our bathroom in Pickering! Instead of taking the wallpaper off, we just decided to sell the house :)
Sadly, that looks like something my mom would put up. However, she certainly wouldn't have used Krazy Glue.
OMG, We have wood paneling in our rental and your problem makes me kind of happy to have it. LOL. Good Luck and check your e-mail.
I think that border looks lovely. It's all the windows in a house that are ugly.
bleugh! SO glad you got rid of that!
By the way Binsk, I had a crazy dream at the weekend that you turned up to see me at work! you didn't... did you? :)
OMG that's too freakin funny! Hideous wallpaper. What DO people think?!
I can't believe you did this to me Binsk. Now there's not a retailer around that'll sell me Krazy Glue!
I had a problem like this once...I just put new paper on top of it:)
i recently removed border in a kitchen, what a bitch that was. It really helps to get it wet and then scrap it off and some wallpaper remover spray helps too.
Well, at least your problem deals solely with decorating. I count tell you how many times I've asked "What were the former owners of my house thinking?!" I think that's a particularly prevelant mantra in any home, though.
Just a few of the many many many problems I've found in my house. I blame all of them on the previous owners, though this house has passed through many hands.
1 - Electrical is hodepodged together. I have an evaporative cooler, two ceiling fans, and part of a master bath that is all on the same circuit.
2 - The beginnings of what appeared to be some kind of nook in the kitchen for phone or something, but then was stopped in mid-project. leaving a gaping hole in the wall and two studs. They covered this with a cork board.
3 - When they enclosed the carport, they just put plaster over the brick and didn't bother to insulate it or anything. Also left the exterior panelling on two of the now interior walls.
I've managed to correct all but the electrical. The electrical would require completely re-wiring the entire house, and that's just way too expensive.
Wow. At this point, it's almost easier to throw another sheet of drywall on top of the existing walls, and start from scratch.
If you have a real good homeowner's policy, you can pay some teenage hoodlum $20 to "break in" and vandalize the hell out of your bathroom, and any other visually offending rooms you might have.
(Insurance companies: I'm not seriously suggesting that; I just read too many tabloid newspapers)
Wow... That's a special kind of ugly.
I feel for ya with that wallpaper problem.
I remember when wallpaper was a "must-have"...seems that nowadays it's more of a "must-have-not"...
phew! glad you got that off!!
i like the look of the blog, very nice! :-)
first: I hear steam works....
second: I think I put up that same wallpaper border in my first house in 1990....Oh the peach and green phase...so pretty pretty pretty.. at least it was at the time...kind of like the mauves!
hee hee..I have something verrrrry close to this in my bedroom. The previous owners of my house felt it was necessary to cover every inch of the interior with wallpaper and butt ugly borders, too. And dusty rose...Lord, I have that color carpet in my living room. WRETCH!!!
Try using liquid fabric softener on that wallpaper-it should come right off. Hopefully...
Ack! That could be a whole TV show, you know? Horrible Wallpaper. Put it in right before Extreme Makeover or something...
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