Here you go:
I would buy Kalani a Paul doll 'cause he's all hot and she's all cool (and hot), and she has mentioned she likes kiwi.
I would buy Tess another one of these outfits...for obvious reasons.
I would buy Ajax Paul a bus ticket to my town. Greyhound even, nothing's too good for Ajax Paul. (Have you seen his body??)
Click the red button in my sidebar if you are the only person on the internet who hasn't heard of HNT.
Merry Christmas and Happy HNT!
Sexy. HHNT and Happy Holidays!
Yo, Hot Stuff -- I gots a present for you for HNT, onacounta you my girl.
sometimes i think i could roll under the sheets with a different woman every night and STILL not be able to figure a pic like this out!! im so stupid! im sure this is very hot and sexy and crazy erotic and all that and im pissed that im not seeing it! oh well, its binsk... its gotta be hot!
I agree with addict, women everywhere would pay good money for a Paul doll...be sure they're anatomically correct, of course... Happy HNT!!
when's it dark you feel your way. oh boy
...... a very Merry little Christmas to you... and as always, a great HNT!
Beautiful Pic. Great gifts. Happy HNT
Great pic & great gifts! Not sure if I'll play this week..but I will be back :)
Merry Christmas! I love the pic! :)
Merry Christmas to me, that's a great shot. I had to copy it to Photoshop to lighten it so I could tell what it was.
Uh... what's that a picture of?
I'm not sure if I'm making it out properly, but your photos are always pretty cool, so even if I can't see what it is, I know it's good. Glad you liked your Christmas presents. Happy HNT and Merry Christmas!
Happy HNT, Binsk!
You hot tamale!
Beautiful picture, lovely gifts and a Happy Christmas HNT to you xx
Great gifts!
Merry HNT :)
Happy holidays and happy HNT Binsk.
Those are some mighty fine gifts. I'm jealous of Kalani's gift.
Thank you for the gift, Binsk.
All you really have to do is keep being the lovely, creative, sexy, funny, smart woman that you are.....and continue taking pics and posting them.
Merry Christmas, hope all your dreams come true.
Happy HNT!
Ha! Greyhound? What about the train? I'm not good enough for the train?
Driving is faster, and probably cheaper anyways. But whatever.
Anyways, thanks for the kind words, you flatter me.
Merry Christmas.
The REAL Anonymous
Um your hnt picture is black! Happy Holidays and Happy HNT to you! XXXXXXX
sexy pic! and great gift ideas...
Happy Holidays and Happy HNT!
Happy Holidays & Happy HNT!!
Merry Christmas and Happy HNT.....
lol... if you get a chance, head on over to Laura's blog. Your name is being mentioned.
And Merry Xmas Binkster, best of luck for '06 not that you'll need it. Ahhh thanks for making Thursday bearable.
Fuckin' Easter Bunny. I think he must work at the post office in the off season, cause he'd fuck up my order too. Where's all the chocolate covered marshmallow!?
Nice, HNT. Always been a butt-man.
Wooo! Nice shot!
HHNT, Sugar!
It's official. You're on Santa's Naughty List. Happy HNT!!!
Well, you're working your way down, at least.
Hi! Just stopped by to wish you a nice holiday season.
Merry Christmas and Happy HNT!
Just wanted to wish you a HAPPY, HAPPY Christmas! :)
Well once again the bloggy peeps are SO sweet.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you.
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