Sunday, February 19, 2006

Thank gawd my parents invited me over for dinner today or I wouldn'ta left my house all weekend. Oh wait, I did go to the beer store and the grocery store, does that count?

I got some shampoo in marmite bottles to try and a magazine and I borrowed an electric sander. (It's always like Christmas when I go over there)

Tomorrow I am going to sand my front hallway. It's gonna be aces.

Got a call back about one of the dogs I liked, we'll see if I get her, it's like applying for a job or the army or something. One lady called me back and told me that I couldn't take this one dog I was interested in yet because she might kill a cat.


Hole Nutha level.


Osbasso said...

Leaving for life-saving goods doesn't count as leaving the house.

Good luck with the doggie!

Marianna said...

This afternoon was the 1st time I left my house since I got home on Friday. It was too damn cold to go anywhere! But I managed to go to Wally World.

That lady's comment was strange... LOL


Schadeboy said...

"...because she might kill a cat."

And we all know just how bad that would be, right? I mean, let's look at the situation.

You have a dog.

You have a cat.

Historically speaking, on average, dogs don't like cats. So yeah, this might happen.

And cats might kill mice.

And mice might eat cheese.

Rabbits might reproduce.

Americans might continue to grow fatter every day and sue McDonalds for making them so and also for making the coffee too hot.

So what's the big deal?

Lysa said...

How about a Furby? They make great pets! No mess! No smell! Although, they look scarey if you step on one in the middle of the night, on the way to the bathroom......

Scott & Julia said...

The offer still stands .. we have three of them .. come take one ;)

sinner said...

hell girl, there are times I go whole weekends without getting out of my pijamas.

I'm like Hefner without the stupid big titted goofball blondes.

I love letting the world go fuck itself sometimes.

Robin said...

Well... a comment like that would make sense if you had cats. But you don't, right? So that's just scary.

Jetson Stamina said...

Going through the Dog Adoption thing as we speak. It's a long drawn out process. Just gimme the damn dog so I can have someone to retrieve all the tennis balls I randomly throw while I'm out.

I suppose it's a good thing that impulse buyers get weeded out.

Robin Alexa said...

No I don't have a cat...but if the thing would kill cats I'd probably sleep with one eye open.

Robin Alexa said...

Where there other people in your house with you? Or pets? Cuz you win then. :)

Robin Alexa said...
