Tuesday, February 07, 2006


What album(s) had the most influence on you, musically or otherwise?

Geez...Jann Arden Could I be your girl or something, Lowest of the Low Salesmen Cheats and Liars or something, Supertramp Breakfast in America, Prince Purple Rain, Barenaked Ladies, the one with Enid etc., Yes the Alzheimers is kicking in.

What piece of literature had the biggest effect on you?

Literature huh? No idea.

Name a random song lyric that means something to you:

"You're just a three dressed up as a nine"

What quote best summarizes your outlook on life?

Why the fuck am I here? Oh that's not a quote is it. Okay then how about: Coffee Crisp, it makes a nice light snack.

If you had $1 million to donate to charity, which one(s) would you give to and why?


Which global issues/problems do you wish that people cared more about?

Peace, pollution

Which living historical figure do you admire the most?

The Dalai Lhama

Which dead historical figure do you admire the most?

Mother Theresa

Geographically, what do you think is the most beautiful/peaceful place (it can be a city or specific site, whatever - just not a person, haha)?

Somewhere in Muskoka in the summer.


Lose your legs or arms?

They both suck.

Be blind or deaf?

Again this sucks.

Live a life without music or without literature?

Literature without a doubt...I barely get through a Glamour magazine.

Sacrifice your friend's integrity or your own?

How do you sacrifice somebody else's integrity?

Sit alone in an empty room for 24 hours or sit in a crowded room for 24 hours?


Have someone you love be angry with you or disappointed in you?



What's the best piece of advice someone ever gave you?

"It'll no be this in the morning." (my Great Grandmother used to say that)

What's the worst piece of advice someone ever gave you?

Can't recall.

What are your favourite qualities in a person?

Humour, honesty, intelligence.

What are your least favourite qualities in a person?

The opposite of the above I guess, so boring, stupid, liars I would say.

If you could change a single day of your life, which specific date would you choose (you don't have to say why or what happened on that day if you don't want to)?

January 7, 2002.

If you could eradicate a single word from any language, what would that word be (please provide an English translation, if necessary, for those of us who aren't fluent :))?

Hate (even though I use this word on a regular basis, I don't mean it)

If you were the leader of a worldwide revolution to overthrow one specific type of oppression, what would it be?

Female oppression.

In your concept of an ideal society, how would it run/be run (government, economics, etc.)?

Well that's so simple, no lying and stealing. Respect for all.

What would be the highest compliment someone could give to you?

That I am kind.

What is your greatest wish for the next generation?

That they are happy.


Favourite word?


Least favourite word?


Favourite sound?


Least favourite sound?

a buzzer

Celebrity ideal? (If you're hetero, then just put the celeb of the same sex that you admire, etc.)

Johnny Depp

Oh a woman? Ummmmm...Jann Arden

If you were reincarnated as an animal, which one would you like to be?

A koala.

What would your dream job be (it can be as unrealistic as you want)?

The chick that goes to spas to rate them for a t.v. show.

If you could stage your ideal concert, what 5 bands/musicians would play (and in what order)?
Headliner first:

Sarah McLachlin
Green Day
The Rolling Stones
Lowest of the Low
Jann Arden

Stolen from the lovely Christie who posted this on My Space.


Sheets said...

How very interesting..... ;-)

Paul said...

You'd have to erradicate the actual feeling of hate. Just the word doesn't really mean anything. If the feelings are still there, we'd just find another word for it. Like 'phate' with a silent p or something.

I'd get rid of a word like "the" or "a", because we use those words all the time. Everyone would be so confused.

Outburst said...

Ahhhhhhhh, what happened on January 7th, 2002?
If you could be so kind, lol.
Just kidding, you don't have to tell.

Memphis said...

Ah HA! So you HAVE been on MySpace lately! So, why haven't you commented on my pics or anything? Tell me I'm sexy. Say nice things to me ... This reminds me of a song.

Unknown said...

I thought your favourite song lyric was "...whistle through your teeth and spit...".

Anonymous said...

I found your blog via google by accident and have to admit that youve a really interesting blog :-)
Just saved your feed in my reader, have a nice day :)