Saturday, April 30, 2005

Phuck the pharmaceutical companies

Drug companies are advertising their products on television to get us to go in and ask our doctors for them. The problem with this is that we don't have medical degrees and therefore have no idea what we need as far as pharmaceuticals. Not only that, they are now making drugs for our pets...and I sincerely doubt they are doing this because they care about us, or our pets.


Anonymous said...

I agree whole heartedly. I like the ads for herpes remedies that make it look as if you can't ride your bike down the beach when you're suffering from a "flare up", also what's up with that weird looking pixie dancing around the birth controll commercials? The pet thing is definitely out of control too. It's just the pharmacueticals cashing in on the trend towards treating our pets as if they are "virtual kids".

Memphis said...

My cat has been hitting me up for some Paxil. I keep telling him, we had to cut them off to get you to stop peeing on everything. Paxil won't help that much. But he swears he'll feel better because the TV said so. Now he's peeing on things just to get back at me, but I don't know if it's for the Paxil or the other thing.