The videos I found were recorded half my life ago, when my boyfriend was 4. You do the math, because I don't want to. Before Kurt even. It's hard to imagine life before Kurt. After Kurt is still taking some getting used to.
Here are a few of my thoughts while I was watching these videos:
Has David Lee Roth ever come out of the closet? Because maybe I missed it. And if I didn't miss it then he must still be hiding in there somewhere because there is no way in hell that dude is straight.
Motley Crue was just as contrived as The Backstreet Boys, I just didn't see it because back then I was the stupid young kid that thought they were in it for the love of the "music".
Vince Neil was pretty sexy.
Madonna was not as attractive as I once thought she was. I remember wishing I had KNEES just like hers. When she bent hers in the Lucky Star video they were very square, like flat on the top, mine are pointy when bent. You know what I mean?
Def Leppard equalled a guitarist that was alive, a drummer with two arms, and a lead singer I wanted to lick to death. Now...not so much on all counts.
That Whitesnake video with Tawny Kitaen is still hot. Tawney Kitaen is still a cool name.
God I am old.
All I can say is at least you are all coming with me.
I got my hair cut, it looks pretty much like Kurt's in that picture, but brown and with big bangs.
Eighties/nineties style. Word. Chater.
And happy birthday Jason baby. And when I say baby, I mean baby, and baby.
First things first, Happy Birthday to Jason!
Now, GAWD I thought I was old compared to you! You've made my day I'm not so old afterall. I never got fooled by the Crue and in spite of my disdain for their music I do consider Def Leppard to be the band you remember....just without all the licking.
Thanks Babe, and Happy Birthday to the baby. Someday he'll look back and wonder how he was so raken with Kris/Kross
ahhh I hate looking back and going wtf was I thinking?! I dont do it often thankfully, but you know...
But unlike many you continue to get better with age, binsk. Happy birthday, Jason.
I loved that Whitesnake video too. She made it very hot! Too bad she's in all kinds of trouble these days.
Happy Birthday, Jason!
MMM I love Kurt.
Oh and I don't think David Lee Roth ever did come out of the closet...but dude..he's SOOO gay.
You're not old and you're happy.
It's all good.
You want depressing? I used to have a box of videos on Beta cassettes. I left them behind at my dad's house when I moved away because, well, who has a Beta machine besides my dad?
this has been a "make kali want to do a front walkover on the hood and trunk of a white and black pair of jaguars" post, thanks.
you think david is queer? hmmm, never thought about that. but im sure glas tawnie isnt! she is still pretty smoking. that was a great video
Aw...thanks shnookums but it's not my birthday. You're sweet though.
Motley Crue was great until the 3rd album. There was something raw about them when I was in 8th grade that just made sense. Chuck Klosterman wrote about all of that stuff in Fargo Rock City.
As for Kurt... I can still remember hearing Smells Like Teen SPirit for the first time and seeing them at the 1991 Reading (England) Festival before they went big. THen it all went south with Courtney Love and the day we heard he died... that was just sad.
As for David Lee Roth... I don't think he came out, but the last 20 years just haven't been good - at least since he was replaced by Sammy frickin' Hagar.
Tawny Kitaen just went to the federales for major drug possession.
Def Leppard - even though I was in 5th grade - how could I like them... even Pyromania and High and Dry were made so lame by everything afterwards.
Yeah, it's a big thank you to the grunge scene of 92 for saving my life (and punk from the late 80's).
Have a good 1.
Merry Christmas and better luck with the dating site than people who reveal way too much in the first email.
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