My dog has this Kong that I put peanut butter in to keep him occupied and he looks like he is making out with it. And he holds it like he has hands.
The above photo is of my nephew Pinschy the minhuahua at Christmas. That is his new house, which was apparently a little too hot. He looks a little like Triumph no?
Yum...Creamsicles :)
so cute! i think he looks a lot like triumph, only smaller.
Oh man, now you're making me crave creamsicles!
My friend Andy gives her dogs peanut butter. It's the funniest thing!
BTW ~ I'm gonna go look for that book and/or movie today. The Secret. I was looking at the website last nite. It sounds right up my alley, Robin. Thank you.
minhuahua. I'm guessing cross between a miniture pinscher and a chihuahua. Shouldn't it be a pinhuahua?
i should get a new puppy.
a Bacardi what now?
my sorta mom I call mom would die if she saw this cutsie. She has a freakin chihuahua farm at her house its horrible and so cute.
Beer is better than gay frozen drinks but you are a girl so, that is ok.. Your dog looks nice in a arm biting kind of way.
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