I'll work on that.
And now I will share a funny conversation between me and my mother.
She likes Rosie O'Donnell for some strange reason and I think Rosie O'Donnell is wah wah arg blah. So my mom is defending her to me saying that she lost her mother when she was ten and "What do you think would have happened if YOU lost your mother at ten years old Robin?" And I said "The nagging would have ended?" She said "Ha ha, that's funny, and it's also the last time your father and I try to pick up the septic tank guy for you." And I said "So I am shit out of luck?"
HA HA. Get it? I knew you would. Merry Christmas my babies.
I like!!
Merry Christmas, girl :)
bwaahahahahah shit out of luck ahahahah.
(hair looks awesome... you're hott)
Yer funny. And cute! What sewer guy wouldn't want you???
bwahahahaha shitoutta luck! niiice *high five*
pretty hair.
I don't have any smartass comments, but I did read some of your stuff.
Rosie is a big fat tub of shit. I like the hair ;)
Rosie is a big fat tub of shit. I like the hair ;)
I think you look beautiful and unless you have the innate ability to overlook the smell of shit the septic tank guy would definitely be the one out of luck. Rosie....I especially like when she outed Clay Aiken apparently forgetting that she herself was closeted for many years. Her latest thing with Trump just exposes both as the narcissistic a-holes that they are.
Nice one!
Not just a pretty face eh?
Loving the hair!
the bangs are awesome.
Me likey your hair!
Your Mama is a hoot!
Cute pic! Merry Christmas!
1. The haircut look cute on you, Binsk. Then again, I am biased and think you'd good in just about any hair fashion.
2. Thought you're comments to your mom were great. "The nagging would have ended?" I have to remember a line like that the next time my mom starts getting on me for whatever reason.
3. Merry Christmas!
you are smokin' hot.
You don't have axe murderer eyes Binny. A smile WOULD be awesome though. Trust me, I know that sometimes a smile is easier said than done. I have faith in ya though.
You're hotter than your brother though.
You and your hair look SOOOO GOOD!
And I don't just mean that in a "I wanna do you" kinda way. You look like a movie star. Only without a drug habit or an African baby.
hair looks great
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