Seems my little subtitle "Being P.C. is for pussies" has upset some people.
Let me explain the way I see things.
Hatred is not the opposite of "politically correct".
There are people that are quite nasty and hateful that are very proficient at being politically correct.
Then there are the mindless sheep that just follow the rules and say "Uh okay I will say or not say what I am told to".
I am in another category.
I question what I am told to say and why I am told to say it.
If all women were politically correct in the past we wouldn't be where we are today.
So fuck your political correctness. I will say what I believe.
totally with you here, dude. being p.c. IS for chumps (or pussies).
You go girl!
And personally, I'm kinda hoping bra burning is next on your agenda. ;)
i totally agree. and i refuse to ask people how they are if they ask me first. i'm sure they'd prefer that i actually cared, if i asked, right?
i just say, fine, thank you and mosey along.
preach it, sista.
According to Gloria Steinem, political correctness was created by women for women. It's to force everyone to be "nice".
I'm glad that there are women like you around who openly dissent.
And anyway, I believe Hitler and the Nazis would disagree with her about where it came from, if they weren't all dead now. Apparently political correctness can be fatal.
By the way, for no particular reason, and this is to say that I don't really know why I did it, but you are up on my blog again, along with Johnny Depp. Oh, and Che. Naturally I had to include Che. He's this week's pimp daddy!
I am know as one of those persons who has an incredible knack for saying the wrong thing at the right time. I am not very good at the self-editting that it requires to be proficient at political correctness. I do attempt it in appropriate times, but I have to say this. You GO GIRL! I feel that political correctness has been hijacked by people who wish to distract us from solving problems by invalidating the best questions. Good for you to speak your mind.
It's certainly easy to be non-PC when you're anonymous, isn't it??
you go girl. people just need to lighten up.
applause appluase you rocking chick.
ALWAYS say what you believe, and the rest of the world can fuck off!
P.C. is evil. Read this. http://gatesofvienna.blogspot.com/2006/06/political-correctness-revenge-of.html
getting a little preachy aren't we
I don't think I preached to anyone about what they should say/think/feel.
I think I said "let me explain the way I see things."
That's hardly preachy.
It's my opinion.
I'm still allowed to have one right?
hmm. the whole time, i thought p.c. meant pussy control
I totally agree
Not related at all to this blog, but do you want mail art?
I would love some M!
PC is how people lie to each other without trying to piss the other person off.
I say PC can go suck a fat one.
I agree with Canadian Hawtness, as I am in process of rebuilding my mind and returning to the WEB in the most un-PC of ways.
I can't believe ppl are uptight about this shit...
"If all women were politically correct in the past we wouldn't be where we are today."
Well said, you effin rock. I agree. The rest of them can lily white ass.
Keep on, keepin' it real, Binskie.
"We can't ALL tell the truth, all the time.. but if no one told the truth some of the time - then we'd all be a bunch a f*ckin liars."
- me
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