Hi again Robin,
We are using your images for Fall Sideroads 2006 and I'm in the process of sorting and editing to decide which ones I'll publish. In the meantime, do you have a photo of yourself that we can use? I'd like you to send in a bit of a bio to say who you are, your photographic background and perhaps (after I select the images) a bit of technical info.
hey! congrats!
You da man! Congrats!
If you can't find any of your photos of yourself to give them I can send some to you. I have the whole collection. :)
Is that the photo you're submitting. You look drunk. You're all blue, laying on the floor, hair's a mess, tag hanging out the back. May want to reconsider that one. ;)
You are funny Rik.
I can't find a picture that looks appropriate for a magazine, either I am half nekkid or I look all surly.
You rock, girlie!
I like the blue dude!
I just bought the blue dude last week for Charlie...he doesn't look like that anymore, he's missing his face and his insides.
Congrats!! Very cool!
If you were sending your picture to FHM you could use all those half-nekkid surly-looking shots. That's what they want. You could be a star. I mean, more than you already are.
go with surly
I haven't seen a half-nekkid pic in a while. Are you still participating in HNT?
Wait. WAIT. Did they ASK you if they can publish your photos? Or did they TELL you?
Did you submit these to them, or did they find your photos on their own?
No I sent them the pictures to be considered for publication!
But I like how you get all protective. Raaar.
And you see the picture at the top of this post of the guy in the doorway. That's the one that I wondered if I could use. He was sleeping (passed out) so he obviously didn't know I took his picture.
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