OMG. I thought my blog birthday was August 24th but I just checked and it was really August 18th. So I am now two years and 4 days old.
So in honour of my belated 2nd blogaversary here are a few of my favourites (you have to scroll up a bit on each one because it goes right to the comments - I wouldn't say I have learned much technically in the past two years):
My attempt at writing poetry like Rosie O'Donnell
I was getting half naked before I knew about HNT
My D.N.A. revealed (top secret)
Stupid things I say
Half Naked (nekkid)
Half Naked (nekkid)
Sweet letter
Half Naked (nekkid)
Me from A-Zed
The Paparazzi
My rules for 2006
Half Naked (nekkid)
A quiz about me
The gay debate
I love blogging more than anything. Well, more than most things.
Two years ago I would have never suspected that I would meet so many cool people, learn so much, and have a fucking awesome time doing it.
Peace bloggy peeps. Peace.
To one of the most entertaining, refreshing and keepin'it'realers out there.
Happy Happy, Binskie!
Happy blogaversary! I'm nearing my two-year mark too. I like this idea for a post, but I'm probably too lazy -- er, too busy to go through my archives.
Congrats, babe! We've loved all of your stuff--not just the nekkids. But I like seeing that they dominate your list!
Hope you get as much out of us as we do from you!
Happy Blogaversary girl! We're glad you're here too!!
Happy blog birthday! And you're right, we are from the same litter!!!
Hee hee! You said naked.
Happy Blogiversary!!!
We're good peeps, aren't we?
happy blogiversaryianistion!!
(sorry i only clicked the links that said naked)
Congrats and keep up the great work!
happy blirthday. I clicked on all the half nekkids in your honor
Happy Blogoversary to you! I've very much enjoyed the last year of reading.
I have no end of fun here and I don't know what I'd do without you.
Happy Blog Birthday!
happy blogiversary! i will be two on september 9th! we're almost the same age :)
congrats! it's been great reading you :-)
Well, I'm flattered to be a part of one of your favourite posts.
Remember when HNT wasn't all about dirty porno pictures? Those were good times.
Finally, check this out
it's more mentos and diet coke, although this one is a hell of a lot funnier.
Happy Blogiversary
happy blog birthday! here's to the next one... :)
I missed my own blogiversary. I just blew right past it. I guess it didn't occur to me to say anything about it. Men are funny like that. But I don't know why.
Happy blogiversary! Glad to be on your favourites list even if I did get the shit bashed out of me in the process...
happy belated!!!
Happy belated, binsk.
And not only have you met a lot of cool people, but you've met me as well!
happy beleted from me too:) cool blog...and thanks for visiting mine as well:)
Isn't blogging great!!? Ive been blogging for 6 months now(coming up) its been loads of fun and now I can't imagine NOT blogging!
Happy Belated Blog Birthday!!!
I'll drink to that! All the best for many (many) more!
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