Wanna know what song was number one the day you were born?
Mine has something to do with raindrops.
Mine has something to do with raindrops.
Click the red button in the sidebar if you want to play.
Os, it's my first foot shot in almost a year, not too bad huh?
Not bad at ALL, chick...
Yowzah! Happy HNT!
oooh very cool pic! Nice work!
Looks uncomfortable. Let me rub'em fer ya.
Hey, I have nothing against well-photographed feet, especially yours! Took me a minute to figure out what I was looking at, but that's nothing new with you!
Nice girl..I love the water effect :)
Great picture. Confusing picture (but I am easily confused). Happy HNT.
Unless the water was warm, in which case... Hot!
Nice feet!
Umm is it ironic that the song that was number one on the day I was born was "Tragedy" by The Bee Gees?
Happy HNT!
Beautiful!!!! WOW!
It took me quite a while to figure out what was going on in that photo. Once I did, I must say, that's a lovely piece of photography.
#1 on the day of my birth: "You Light Up My Life" by Debby Boone.
Cool foot pic and love the cascading water.
When I tried, I got "Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In" by The Fifth Dimension for my birthday.
Happy HNT
Oh, that is a great picture! I love it. Looks so refreshing!
Happy HNT!
I think I have everybody beat so far ... The Twist by Chubby Checker. God I'm old but that wouldn't stop me from nibbling those tootsies for a few days. You are a goddess, Binsk. HHNT doll.
that's a great pic. very artsy.
Happy HNT!
I want to know how you do those things! Are you using a strobe light with your shutter left open? What?! You must tell me these things because I want to be just like you and take really, really, cool-cool-awesome pictures!
I must know your secrets!
Oh, by the way, Happy HNT.
Yep, not bad.
Great dexterity in those feet, too.
Ohh I love pictures that make me sit here and say "now what is... ohhhh feet!" What a great picture! Happy HNT!
Happy HNT :)
I love pics where you see the water beading down...very cool, great feet. Happy HNT
Lovely, Binsk - as always. I can't tell you how much I look forward to your HNT posts (well, every one of your posts, actually, but especially the HNT ones).
wow, this is fabulous! very very fabulous!
happy hnt!
Gorgeous tootsies! HHNT!
all wet and... clean lookin' feets! HHNT!
Took me a sec to figure it out lol. Happy HNT!
Wet and WILD!! Great pic...perfectly taken...
GREAT shot! happy HNT!
it is a wonderful take onthe feet....took me a sec to see what it was i was looking at in the water. nicely done. Happy HNT!
Sexy feet!
I nearly did my feet for HNT today, too, but mine weren't wet with water, they were bloody after running 4 miles.
"Love Rollercoaster" by The Ohio Players was apparently number one when I was born. Thank god I don't remember it.
Love the toes. I always love your shot though, so it's hardly a surprise that this one's great too!
Very interesting...HHNT!
Great photo! Happy HNT!
Not bad, not bad at all :)
My song is "Bette Davis Eyes" by Kim Carnes, Scott's song is "I'm Sorry/ Calypso" by John Denver
Great pic! I love that you use water so much in your HNT's.
very cool pic.
Happy HNT!
ok thats a way cool pic and you gotta be flexible to take that..how did you DO that
ok thats a way cool pic and you gotta be flexible to take that..how did you DO that
Nice pic, thanks for stopping by.
such a great pic...
Very cool! Love how the water looks!
Happy HNT! :)
Very cool! Love how the water looks!
Happy HNT! :)
you have nice feet and the photo is really great!
Not bad is an under statemnt. WOW! HHNT!
Lovely feet like that could cause me to develop a foot fetish.
Cool! And wet. Nicely done. HHNT.
Cute at both ends -- HHNT!
Makes me wish I had a nice large tub to soak in...
Nice shot & nice feet - HHNT!
You are good with a camera, Binsk, very, very good. Love this.
Happy HNT!
LOVE THIS ONE! you've inspired me to try somethin with water.
Great photo this week! Happy HNT
Whoa. That totally looks like chicken. I had to stare for awhile to figure out if I was looking at something pornographic or not. Nice work.
It took me a second to figure out what it was, made me think lol. Happy HNT
I am always drawn to feet. They are SO handy! What color are your nails? Just being curious!
I like your blog very much. I have a fetish foot party blog with hot erotic stories and pictures related to pantyhose and foot fetish. Take a look at Pantyhosed Feet Gallery Viewer
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