Thursday, March 17, 2005

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

The President of our company sent out this "funny" email this morning:

"Why did God invent whiskey?
To prevent the Irish from ruling the world!"

Do you think it's funny ha ha or funny peculiar?


Heather said...

i don't know any jokes. except myself. (hahahahaha-so BAD!)



(end of comment)

Robin Alexa said...

I changed my post so now your comment doesn't make sense, but I am here to say that HKD is NOT crazy. Really!!

Well you should enjoy your remaining time in Hally because it sounds that there are a lot of things there that you will miss too!

Anyway, there's nothing great going on here right now, all the fun is scheduled to start in May ;)

mcgibfried said...

i'd say its more funny discrimination lawsuit... but that's just me.

Busty Wilde said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day to you too!

I think it's ha ha funny, as long as you don't tell it to a drunk-off-his-ass big burly Irish man. It'll be our little secret.

zuzula said...

I think it depends whether your boss is Irish?

Rusty said...

Also depends on if any of your co-workers are irish and can't take a joke ;-)

Wayne Smallman said...

"i'd say its more funny discrimination lawsuit... but that's just me."

I'd say that's what makes the joke, well .. a bit of joke, actually!

The author clearly thinks they're being borderline racist and risque.

But in reality, it's more borderline nonsense and about as risque as dressing to the right...