Sunday, December 03, 2006

I am going insane trying to write a business plan for 2007. I don't have Excel on my computer, oh and I hate Excel.

I need a monthly table that I can input daily activities (by the hour). You know what I mean? Do you have one you can send me? Kinda like a calendar, but electronic, that I can input stuff into? And I know Outlook has one but it won't let me copy it to create my own table. GAH. GAH. GAH. I feel like I am going to cry, but that may just be the PMS. Or the full moon.

Also, my dog keeps chewing through his harness, like in 2 minutes when my head is turned. My mom said "You need to put bitter apple or tea tree oil on it and then he won't want to chew it." Well I couldn't find any bitter apple at the store nor did I want to buy any, but I did have some tea tree oil at home so I poured that all over it and now I have to CHASE him around the house to get his harness on because he hates the smell.

Lastly I would like to make a plea to major retailers to stop selling, to people with questionable taste, those ugly blow up Christmas things that you put on your front lawn. So ugly. Makes me want to fast forward right over Christmas, or go and slash them like tires.