Tuesday, December 19, 2006

"The fastest way to manifest any desire is to think, speak and act as if it has already come true."

Tonight I will be having mind blowing sex in my king size bed with the love of my life. After, he will give me a huge diamond ring and tell me I am the most beautiful woman in the world and that he never really knew how strong love could be before me. I will say that I feel the same way and we will kiss passionately. Then we will get in my cherry red Hummer and go for some delicious Thai food. After that we will come back to my brand new house and do laundry in my front loading washing machine. Then I will load my top of the line whisper quiet dishwasher with the champagne flutes we used earlier. We will then retire to bed for round two. Tomorrow morning we will both go to the spa for side by side massages whilst holding hands. Followed by a lovely country drive. After that we have plans to meet up with all of my favourite friends, you know the kind that are funny, kind and never competitive with you? Yeah them. We will drink and play games and watch the Leafs win on my brand new 99 inch plasma screen television. It will be a wonderful Christmas. No fights, no hangovers, just love and happiness. After spending the best Christmas ever with my family, my fiance and I will get on a private jet and fly to Italy, we will stay there for New Year's and then jet off again to Monacco where we will celebrate my 25th birthday.


JBoombostick said...

Good God.. Have fun and be careful! Try not to get anything on ya!

Mike said...

Wow, I need to give this a try!

Osbasso said...

Funny... I had a strangely similar dream the other day...

Paul said...

it's funny how your desires have doing dishes and doing laundry in them.

In my story, the hot maid does the dishes and the laundry.

Marianna said...

Does this guy have a brother?!


Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

It doesn't QUITE work like that Binny, but you're close.

Anonymous said...

You gotta be kidding me. Everything you just said, is MY favorite thing to do, every day!

Just read Diamond as Cubic Zirconia...
Hummer as pickup...
Champagne as beer...
spa as YMCA...
friends as people who pretend to like me but really want stuff from me...
99 inch plasma as 12 inch black and white...
Private jet with Greyhound Bus...
Jet off to Monaco with drive to Indiana...

But the whole doing laundry and washing dishes thing... Well that's dead on nuts!

I'm just sayin'...

Memphis said...

There you go!

Some Random Girl said...

sounds dreamy!