Friday, March 03, 2006

Okay I need a dog/puppy and I am not joking around. Come on there's gotta be a dog out there for me.

We didn't get the deal despite all of your positive vibes. Fucking stupid company that doesn't know anything. According to them it was "close". Yeah well close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades...which I'd like to maybe play with the CEO. wink wink

I was watching Canada's version of Cops (the only difference being they blur out almost everybody's face which really ruins half the fun) ANYWAY, this woman called the cops because she was messed up wringing her hands and shit, whatever drug makes you do that, meth maybe? ANYWAY again, the REASON she called them, which I guess seemed all logical to her at the time, was that she wanted to tell them that her boyfriend doesn't love her anymore because she is fat.


Beth said...

Oh, Cops, Canadian or not, that is the most fabulous show ever.

Osbasso said...

Ohhh... sorry about not getting the deal. I think I strained something with all the crossing I did of various body parts (please don't ask).

Wish I could help with the puppy thing, too.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah and how come our version is always in Edmonton and no where else?!

Robin Alexa said...

Yeah WHAT is with that?

Edmonton is either full of a lot of trouble OR all of the cameramen live there.

Marianna said...

Oh damn, bummer on the deal, honey!

That's such a shame that you can't find a pup. On the Today Show earlier this week, Katie Couric had the CUTEST pup when she was visiting New Orleans for Mardi Gras. The pup needed to be adopted. Hey, there's an idea ~ can you adopt puppies from the States? They are all over the place down here & it kills me to know they are being euthanized every day.


sinner said...


Anonymous said...

I'm scruffy and I drool a lot ... plus I stick my cold wet nose in all the perfect places. I'd let you pamper me until some corporate fucktard sees the error of his ways (which should be shortly if Guido and Vinnie got teh directions right.) I'm sorry Binsk. Good Luck to you.

Ben said...

guess the meth's not workin for her then huh?

Schadeboy said...

How come you can't find a puppy? I mean, how hard can it be? Just go up and down your neighborhood. When you see a dog you like, just take it.

Okay, seriously, yes finding a dog that is compatible with you is not exactly easy. It took us three dogs before we finally found the version that worked for us. She's a fantastic dog, and is incredibly tolerant.

Here's my recommendation for good dog breeds:

1 - Golden/Yellow Lab
2 - Sheltie (the ones that look like the mini Collie).

Those two breeds are particularly good with kids, which we all hope (I think) that you will someday have to deal with.

Regarding Cops, I'm wondering if you've heard the 911 recordings of the people who called the emergency number because they were pissed that the Burger King they were at would not make their hamburgers correctly? I am not making this up.

Memphis said...

Yeah, maybe he doesn't love her anymore because of the drugs and she's a psycho? Funny how they never think of that though. They always say "it's because I'm fat" and then they show the cops to the body and there he is and you can't help but think "I wouldn't love you either 'cause you're a fuckin' psycho." But then they put her on the cover of Vanity Fair and say she's a hero and Charlize Theron plays her life in a movie and I don't go see it 'cause I already heard the story like a thousand times and I seen Cops already. And yeah so like Hot Rod TV is on.

Memphis said...

Oh, and I'm really sorry to hear that you didn't get the deal. I don't know the details, but I was really hoping for you. I like you so I want you to be successful and get rich and all. I wish I knew something good to say, but I'm really sorry you didn't get it. I know it was important.

Krista said...

I didn't even know there was a Canadian version of that show. And now I know I'm not missing much.

Joe said...

Why would you want to play horseshoes with the CEO? Is that like golf for Canadians? ;-)

Some Random Girl said...

1. Get a yorkie. They are the best. check out my flickr and view our little bit.

2. If you get a yorkie...get a girl and we can breed (that sounded nasty)

3. Cops. I used to be addicted to that show! My friend was on there one time because someone broke into her house and stole her weed. She unfortunately called the Po Po and they showed up with a film crew. How are you gonna call the cops when someone steals your weed? It was crazy! My parents saw her on TV....that was just great!

clara* said...

that's odd...the blog directly above you in my blogroll was talking about a doggierescue thing where all these poor pooches need homes....i think it's in BC tho...still, no mere coincidence.

zuzula said...

sorry to hear about the deal :( but you know what? if my boyfriend dumped me for being fat I'd call the cops too. After I'd bitten his balls off...

The Hatleyman said...

I have two dogs...they are way over rated...they live with me, my wife, my daughter, and my son. Both of the dogs are girls...sisters...yep - way too many bitches in the house.

Sorry to hear about the deal...or the lack of the deal...please give us the rules on playing Horseshoes and Hand Grenades...

Anonymous said...

Binsk, I'd almost be willing to give you my puppy, except:

a) The only reason I'd get rid of her is because of the digging holes in the yard and chewing things up... and I'm sure you really want that chez vous...

b) She's 3 years old now, and not the tiny little lap dog that she still thinks she is.

Other than that, she's the perfect doggie...

And I could write forever on COPS and 9-1-1 calls. Hi-larious!

tara said...

i feel the same way about a cat...

wopanese said...

Make it a large attack dog...

1 send your boss a memo from anonymous
2 Make sure it is scented with raw meat
3 bring dog to office
4 release dog
5 giggle evilly...

wopanese said...

oh, and then make up a sign so when they come to capture you on Mounties! we'll be able to figure out who you are.. :)

Rik said...

Don't get a small dog. Small dogs are dumb. Big dogs are dumb, but they'll keep you warm if you ever slide off the road and get stuck in your car. Plus they're more "fun" to bathe. And if that CEO doesn't want to play horseshoes with you, can i sub in? ;)

Lelly said...

Eh? Horseshoes??...wha'??? Cop story v funny. I'd like a dog too, but am too irresponsible.

Schadeboy said...

Binks, you still need a dog? If so, I give you the Dog of Abject Despondency. You can thank me later.