So you are going through somebody's photos on Facebook right?
Looking at their family and friends and all of their happy happy joy joy times.
And you think to yourself, that guy needs to invest in some Crest white strips, or that girl should really rethink that outfit, or that person should maybe not suck lemons immediately before a photo op.
But do you say that?
Of course you don't you pussies.
Oh yeah, neither do I.
but you definitely think it!
...ummm I'm going to look over all my pics now!!
Nahhhhhhh it's not you! You are aces. Actually it's somebody that I don't really know that well and will never read my blog! I was tempted to say it but I was a good girl and I didn't. I need some Crest white strips myself.
Photoshop is better than Crest white strips... ;)
haha zomg I love you!!
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