Blurry lips, but oh the lips...
He wants to be my boyfriend.
He said that his friends said I was probably just using him.
He wants me to meet his parents, and he wants to meet mine.
Yep, that's what he said.
Mine will probably not be too shocked.
His mother is not happy about my age.
But his grandmother said "Oh that's okay!" when he told her how much older I am.
When we go out people think we are the same age. All of them.
How do we know? Because we ask. Some of them think I am the younger one.
Charlie obviously likes him, and we have fun when we're together.
I'm going to take it one day at a time.
Wish me luck, or call me crazy.
umn omg get her done him im drunkkkkk
Good luck and stuff
If y'all get along, don't worry about what people think. This is yours & his life ~ not yours, his & his mother's.
Let her get to know you. She'll see what we love about you!
I'm still mopping the drool from that second shot...that is THE sexiest part of a man's body...WELL DONE!
and good luck!
tear that stuff UP Binski. Screw what anybody thinks.
Yay Binny! Have tons of fun (and safe) sex. Try not to hurt him, he hasn't been with a woman at her peak performance levels.
Age is just a number. If you're both comfortable, fark what other people think.
GOOOD LUCK!! You sound giddy. :) In maybe a little disbelief, but giddy. It's awesome.
All the besty bestest!!
My wife and I were 8 years apart. Were, meaning she is now my ex, and she died from breast cancer. The ex part had nothing to do with the age difference, and everything to do with the fact that she was a huge B.
he's so cute! go for it my dear :)
I wish you crazy good luck. How 'bout that?
He's lucky.
Very nice pics! Good luck! You deserve it! :)
Good luck you crazy childless MILF you. Way to go Binsk. My last girlfriend was 11 years younger than me. I don't think it matters a whit.
You Go Girl!!!
Good Luck.
my hubs is 4 years younger than me and his mom still hates me to this day because I have no uterus to carry on her twisted fantasy of all 8 of her kids having 8 kids. whatev! Just be prepared that it doesn't always get better and if you can deal with that you are golden!
Wow! So much good news. Girl, I've been gone too long.
well he certainly has a nice stomach.
good luck crazy....
dogs are smart,..
what else can we say?
; )
You can't get away with putting up pictures of K-Fed and expect us to believe it! ;)
Great news, Binsk. Congrats and good luck!
his parents will get over it. trust me. when they see that he is happy.
and while they don't it will make your relationship stronger.
i have experience.
he's cute. and has a nice stomach. good luck sweets!
Cute, both of them. Good luck!
i'd hit it.
very nice
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