Thursday, June 29, 2006

I don't know who the hell you think you are talking to me like that. Didn't anyone ever teach you that screaming at the top of your lungs is no way to deal with people? And your little apology, along with the "I didn't mean it personally" garbage were too little, too late.

Take your fucking attitude and shove it. You have been officially written off. And I don't care that you may have acted that way because your girlfriend dumped you. Why wouldn't she? You are a 35 year old alcoholic chef with bad teeth. I've never met her but I'm sure she could do better.

Love Binsk.

The glossary of truth


Osbasso said...

Remind me never to get on your bad side, OK?

Marianna said...

I bet you get to see the cream of the crop...


Christopher D. Bate said...


That's some serious sass! I dig you all the more for it.

Joe said...

You continue to rock, Binsk...though I'm secretly terrified of you now.

kalipornia said...

oh binsk. 15+ years in the service industry has taught me that all "chefs" are assholes, most are alcoholic, and they get off on yelling at waitresses.

good on you for sticking up for yourself, just try not to take it personally, else you'll end up quitting and then you'll hafta find another gig where the chef is destined to be worse...

Some Random Girl said...

you tell em' binsk!

MG said...

when you complete the glossary of truth, I'd like an autographed copy please.

Anonymous said...

You Kick Ass!

Sassy said...

That a girl!
What an asshole, needs a kick in the teeth Id say! I can't tell you the number of times a cook thought he was holier then thou and tried that shit on me. Grrr.

Hey, you ever see the movie Waiting?!

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