I’m all out of faith this is how I feel
I’m cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed into something real
I’m wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn
And I have the sense to recognize that I don’t know how to let you go...
Holy Fuck, that's pretty! And scrumptious looking! What nice thoughts before I go to bed....
Happy HNT!
wow...love it
happy hnt!
welcome back! We missed you last week.
VERY cool, girl!
I love that song. I wasn't feeling torn this week but dark. At any rate, I love your pic as usual.
Happy HNT.
long live that letter B in your alphabet!!
I recognize those.....lyrics. Natalie Imbruglia right? Great pic Missy B.
What's with the sadness that is purveying the world of the bloggy peeps this week? Ugh!! Will it ever end (I wonder for myself as well). Oh yes, tomorrow is another day. It is.
Hope yours is a good 1.
Hey...um...your shirt there looks like it's seen better days. All the better for us guys, though!
Happy HNT!
Wonderful as always! Cheers and happy HNT!
very nice Binsk! Nice to have you back you sexy sexy girl!
Very sexy! Happy HNT
Stop trying to be deep, Binsk. I can see your boobs.
Week after week, you rock the HNT. *bows*
Welcome back to HNT! Awesome pic as usual :) Happy HNT!
Great pic! Have I heard that before?? :)
Now that song is gonna be stuck in my head... oh wait, it IS now officially running circles in my head.... Happy HNT!!
hey, that's cool!
That is so rugged and beautiful at the same time. Happy HNT!
very sexy in a dirty way, not slutty, just dirty. Awesome
Happy HNT.
hot hot hot!
I almost fell out of my chair when I clicked on the pic to see the original size. I must say, you have great looking boobs.
Actually that song is written by a San Francisco band called Edna Swap...and Natalie covered it....
Nice HNT!!! Lovely boobies!
Oh yeah....rip it real good!!! Great pic!
always loved that song. happy HNT
Wish my boobs looked like that in a torn shirt!
Great pic, and great lyrics to go with it. Happy HNT!
That photo goes so well on your site. Very Cool! Happy HNT!!!
Love the torn shirt . . . HAPPY HNT!!
I really love that shirt!! Where'd you get it??
Either way...
Happy HNT babe!!
i love the last line more... sarah mclachlan is the best!
oh, love the pic too.. love the boobies!
beautiful lyrics and images as always Binsk. A good experience each visit ;-) happy hnt!
Spectacular Pic
Happy HNT
Glad to see you back! Awesome pic as always!
Yay, Binsk is back, and busty as ever!
Looking good, happy HNT!
Very nice, looks almost like something the Lone Ranger could wear.
Now that I've said that...that really doesn't make any sense. Oh well. Happy HNT! :)
yay for boobies to make my day! keep those lovely boobies warm, though. visit my designs site at www.tokitikki.com
Happy, *happy* HNT, love. See you next week!
What a rack! That's just a great pic. It's a bit GI Jane, a bit Lara Croft and all sorts of girlie macho. Great job.
Your HNTs are superb! A class act, compared with mine.
Interesting poem. Happy Thursday.
You DO have big boobs don't you!Big and very, very beautiful! Looking forward to your 'tag' response tomorrow...happy HNT!
You did it again binsk!! happy HNT ja?
I heart that song and Natalie... you just made it better
Happy HNT Gorgeous
Yummy... happy HNT!
...fabulous! Your shots are always so fun. :)
great picture!!!
now it's stuck in my head and i don't know all the words!!! nice shot and happy hnt.
and just for that i'm going to try to get 'the most' stuck in your headable song stuck in your head
when i'm walking i stut my stuff and i'm so strung......
beautiful picture. happy HNT! :)
I now have evidence that about half of those ABC's were on the ball.
I have to swallow now, thanks.
Beaufiful picture and lyrics!! Happy HNT!!!
Awesome HNT!
love the song! LOVE the shirt!
happy hnt!!
cool pic. Happy hnt
Just like wine baby....you get better with age =D
you were cute in high school rob, but damn - you're hot now =D
miss ya bubby
I used to have the same shirt ...
Happy HNT!
I love it! You ravage beast, you!
Happy HNT!
Great nekkidness :)
Wonderful pic!
Happy HNT!
Nice! Happy HNT!
Very sexy!!
Happy HNT!
THAT is amazing.
Happy HNT!
Damn it. Now look at what you did to your shirt! Bad girl!
I'm just jealous. Great picture.
Happy HNT!
Wow! I like the red picture!
AWESOME, as always! Happy HNT
You have the most beautiful blog ever. In addition, as a fellow large busted (go us) girl, I have to say you've represented the girls beautifully. Gorgeous shot. Happy HNT!
happy hnt
tremendous, simply tremendous
Just found your site (from Lilith's), and methinks on the perfect day. Love the verse that goes oh so well on too many days.
I'm going to read around your world, and looking forward to it.
kick ass pic!! :)
Binsk.. you put the HOT in HNT! :-)
Extremely sexy pic!
Awesome photo! Happy HNT! :)
OMG that is sooo erotic. Glad to have you back.
Great pic!
Happy HNT!!
Great pic and nice lyrical quote - Happy HNT!
you sexy thing.....grrr who's the lucky devil you gets to tear you right out of that?
happy hnt!
Whew....now I see where the "B" in the ABC's of Binsk came from! :)~
Happy HNT! :)
Ahh, to be a hole in that shirt..
Oh, did I say that out loud? Happy HNTing
that's awesome. really.
a little bit of natalie imbrulia as well...superb pic :)
happy HNT
Those aren't very camoflauged! Happy HNT!
Nice choice on the song... very fitting for the awesome pic!!!
Happy HNT!!!
lol, you crack me up with your comments, gal.
Can you shoot me an email?
No rush!
You always leave me speechless on Thursdays, Binsk.
Very Very sexy girl.... Happy HNT!
Happy HNT!
well well .... how long did that t-shirt last before you busted out? lol
very nice!
happy hnt!
There is NO way you could be sexier... but I am sure you will prove me wrong in the near future.
; )
Those are some famous boobs. And your shirt is torn is juuuuuust the right places.
beautiful, but now I have that song in my head.
I just hate when my clothes can't contain me.
That last one was me, unintentionally anonymous.
Just thought I'd weigh in, to up your comment count. . . : ) I enjoy your fun, sexy, thoughtful photos. Happy HNT!
Rock my world girl! HHNT.
a little bit punk, a little bit rock n' roll, and all Binsk! Happy HNT! :p
You make a lovely pair.
Yowza! Happy HNT!
I don't have the words....
But I do have a bottle of baby oil and a half hour to kill.
Did you get a discount for this shirt, since it has holes in it or is it just super sexy?
Very nice!! Sorry for being late. Happy HNT!!
Great HNT!
Okay, I haven't been to your blog lately since I can't blog from work, but two days late, I had the chance to check yours out again.
Wow, that's about all I can say. Nice rack! (and yes, I realize I'm the 122nd person to comment)
Very nice, Binsk! Sorry I'm late!
Wow.. you win.
All hail the Queen of Cleavage. ;)
Holy cow, you got 126 comments?!!!!
You are a SUPERSTAR!
okay, one of my first orders of business now that im back was to come back to this pic to finally comment it. lets see, what should the comment be? it needs to be approproate and flattering yet distinguished and gentleman like. hmmm... HOT DAMN SUGAR!!! yes, yes that should do just fine.
I guess I'm 129. Nice cross-over with the Imbrulia there. An artistically done piece.
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