Dearest Binsk,
I find you very amusing, not to mention you have an eye for photography (I'm totally jealous by the way). I figured I'd write an email, since you get so many comments on your blog its probably impossible to keep track of anyone. And yes, I am quite sure you could have been the girl we all stared at and missed our light-change....if my ex didn't have brown eyes and given me a reason to be weary of them, I'd compliment you, as I am sure you are much less evil *wink wink*. Keep up the good work, you've got some talent!
Much love, X
(names have been changed to protect the innocent, or not so innocent)
First of all X (weird name by the way), you are way too sweet. Second of all, thanks for the compliments, everybody loves to feel the love. Thirdly, I keep track of all of you, almost to the point of stalking. Fourth, are you ever going to date a brown eyed girl again? I mean, couldn't you find something else about your ex to hate on, like perky boobs, or small feet? Why pick on us brown eyed girls? And fifth and finally, I wouldn't say I'm evil or innocent, I would say I'm sort of a combo platter.
Much love returned to you, Binsk
I'm like you. Clicking on links and screaming POST DAMMIT!!
I'm trying to discipline myself not to comment on EVERYTHING because people might think I'm stalking.
LOL... that's too cool!
So you have a stalker... that's pretty neat!
aw, how sweet. isn't it lovely to receive fan mail? oh wait - i wouldn't know. nevermind.
Hey hey now, its been a long time since I was last accused of being a stalker! I figure since I'm not all that "innocent" I wont worry about the identitiy thing. Yes, it is me, the infamous Mr. X mwahaha. (See what I get for being nice? DAMNIT!)
I'd say you're just really good at being bad.
Excellent argument for brown eyed girls. Puts one in mind of Van Morrison.
Skipping and a jumping
In the misty morning fog with
Our hearts a thumpin' and you
My brown eyed girl,
You my brown eyed girl.
And one can easily see why a man's heart would be thumpin' around you. ;-)
i'm not a stalker, honest (denial is the #1 rule in the stalker's handbook).
just thought i'd let you know that i added a link to your blog in my blog - hope you don't mind
your fellow lowest of the low fan.
Combo Platter. Hey, that's clever! I like it! It also made me hungry. Only four more hours til lunch.
Love the new layout, Binsk. Now I have to look at those gorgeous eyes every time I pull up your page!
brown eyed girls are the best!
blue is so over rated...haha..
Ah well I'll have to agree about brown-eyed girls :)
Blue eyes are overrated, sometimes I wish I'd had brown.
There's better reasons than looks to hate on ex's. Like them being your ex for starters, it can't just be because of eyes.
Small girly feet are so cute Binsk! But are you talking about girl feet or guy feet??
Did I write that email? I drank this weekend so I can't remember. I guess I couldn't have since I don't avoid brown-eyed girls.
If I send you a lovely email will you post it and make me a star? Will you send me naked photos in reply? What if I send money?
You know I love you. You're the reason I awake in the middle of the night singing "Oh Canada!"
Ain't nuthin' wrong with brown-eyed girls. Course, my wife is blue-eyed. And the best shade of blue, too. My favorite color. If you were to compare her eyes to those of a box of Crayolas, hers would be "Pacific Blue." My daughters are well on their way to gaining them, too.
wow. I've never felt quite so uncomfortably pleased in all my life. I seem to have a stalker... sort of..
Not to take anything away from Captain X-Files there, but really, however pretty a girl is, no matter what color her eyes be - isn't it really the fact that your ex was evil on the inside that split you apart? (I'm sure she says the same of you - that's the nature of most 2-sided situations, of course)... Brown eyes are not a symbol of all things evil... especially not when attached to something so interesting as this Binsk person we have here...
oh, yeah, yeah, yeah - let's not forget that she's a hottie, of course.
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