Okay. I guess if you are having trouble keeping up with the styles then maybe you deserve a little ribbing.
Then it gradually changed to mean all older women who date younger men. Why the hell is there a term for that? Men have been doing it for years - like that wrinkly, sickening old dude Hefner, and nobody ever came up with a term for him.
If you ask me I think it should be ferret.
And now it seems cougar has come to mean any woman over thirty. I hear these loser DJs making fun of women just because they are over thirty.
What gives these doofs the right to call us that?
What really boggles my mind is when women say it. Doncha think it's sorta being used to put you down for something that we don't put men down for? Even if you are 22, you don't have long before you are fair game - or "they" lower the age to 25.
When somebody says cougar we should say fuck you ferret.
Or perhaps just fuck you.
This may be just a difference of opinion, but "Cougar" is not a derogatory term, and i've never heard it used to describe "just any" woman over 30. It still only menas older women that date younger men.
Haven't "seen" you mad in a while.
i'm with you on this, robin - i'm dating a guy only one year younger than me and i get called that all the time. and i'm only 24! at the very least, i think there needs to be more qualifications to being called a cougar. dirty ferrets...
Is this a Canadian thing?
I have NEVER heard this term, and if I haven't heard it it doesn't exist.
I control the universe you know.
Well, I USED TO, I set it on autopilot and then accidentally locked myself out of the control room.
Personally, I think cougar sounds kinda HOT. Too bad I'm OLDE so you can never be my cougar. :(
sing it, binsk. that word is gross, what's with the gross sexual nicknames everyone has? why have them?
Yes, just a simple "fuck you" will suffice. I love ferrets -- let's not degrade them.
BTW - you were one of only two people who understood my post last night. Thanks for the highly esteemed compliment!
the word for Hef is sugardaddy. the word for Hef's girls is goldiggers.
They do so have a name for older guys..Zona boy said it..Sugardaddy. I'm a Sugardaddy...and proud of it :)
ha. i heard that contest on the edge the day it came out and they were so gleeful.
the term cougar should still exist, but be reigned in from its ambiguous tendancies. i mean, there are some older women who are total cougs on the prowl at dirty bars. and they definitely deserve to be called that. but to include women who date younger men? any women over thirty who is single and goes to a bar? that doesn't work for me.
I must be way out of it because I haven't heard either one of these terms.
I dated a younger guy for 3 years...did they call me that???
Wow...oh well who cares. I don't:)
Huh. Cougar. Haven't heard that term before.
Nothin wrong with an older woman going out with a younger guy! Or vice-versa, only let's keep it out of the realms of the disgusting.
Like remember Tony Randall from the TV show "The Odd Couple" I think he was in his late 70's when he married a 24 year old model. I think he's dead now. Yeah, and they had a kid. Blech. Creeps me out.
Words only have the meaning that we give them.
Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will truly scar me.
I think we should try to change the meaning so a cougar is a woman who's 30 for just the first month of her 30th year, and then she's back to just being a woman.
It doesn't make sense, I know, but maybe people will get so confused that they'll forget the term altogether. Could happen.
I'd rather be a lynx.
Who in the HELL is making these words up?! They need to be slapped silly. I was 29 & dated a guy that was 22. HA! COUGAR?!
Now I'm *gasp* 34. Ouch.
so down with the ferret term.
i will do my best to spread it along doll.
Cougar? Must be a Canadian thing. The terms we use in the States is 'Demi Moore'. :o)
And I love that dirty old man Hefner.
here we have the term cougar, but we also have dragon slayers, respectively. dragon slayers are the men who go to the bar, usually in a group, and they'll go and take turns trying to pick up the biggest women in the bar(the dragons.)
Cougar is huge in my circles. I hear it around me from people I know, I hear it on TV, in the paper, on the radio and there's even cougar themed nights at clubs and bars.
I don't like it either.
i agree with you...they are all FERRETS!!!
This is my first time hearing the term. If it's used the way you say it's used then it pisses me off. Why can't people get over the fact that some women like younger men? Geez.
Haters. They're all haters.
The idea that a young guy would be interested in anything other than a stick figure ditz who is barely legal is so repugnant that they have to categorize the rest of the female population into some sort of derogatory classification in order to justify their sad ass hunt for something half of them will never be able to touch.
It's the smart ones that don't play the game, or embrace it as 'prey'.
I say.. bring it on.
"Once you label me, you negate me." ~ Kierkegaard
Take the label, make it your own - and they can't touch you.
From the backwoods I was pulled out of as a young cub we all refer to each other as Cougars. Does this make me bad?
Hmm. I have always been attracted to older women.
OK, FUCK me!
I always understood 'cougar' to refer to a woman in her 40s who frequented smokey bars looking for some quick hanky panky, usually a rebounding divorcee' looking to sink her claws into some drunken fresh man-meat. Appealing picture, isn't it? Seriously though I think the phrase is heavily overused... Demi Moore and Ashton Kutchner might fit the bill, except I don't see Demi Moore as the 'desperate' type. As for skanky men dating significantly younger women (e.g. Tony Randall), be advised that men are usually just looking for their match maturity wise. ;)
That's fine, we'll be cougars who eat men for dinner on occasion.
I've never heard that at all. It must be a regional thing. They don't say it down here.
I can't see why a woman who wears out-of-style animal prints is a cougar. I'd call her Cher. As for women over 30, I don't have a word for that. I never hear that around here. I can't imagine Canada having such an overabundance of hot chicks that they can afford to start slamming on the women over 30. We don't waste'em like that down here. In fact, if you Canadians want to send all your best women over 30 down here, and this would include you obviously, we'll gladly take them. We love'em!
Speaking of Demi Moore, am I the only one who has noticed that Ashton Kutcher seems ... off? I mean, all the women love him, but every photo I see of him, he looks like he's hiding behind some 'look' or a hat or Demi. I think his fame is more than he can handle. Demi has been handling it for 20 years so it doesn't phase her. I think he's hiding behind her the way Paris Hilton hides behind her stupid little dog. And as for Demi, I guess she doesn't mind getting laid from a guy young enough to have a perpetual erection. Who can say? I was gonna blog this last night, in fact, but I never got around to it.
Ha! I am laughing so hard!! I don't have the window maximized and I had to scroll to read your post and on the page, it stopped at the line, "...fuck you ferret". And before I scrolled and read you last line, I said OUT LOUD, "How about just 'Fuck you'?"..
And I'm also laughing at M. Steve's "I'd call her Cher".
I'm looking forward to becoming a MILF myself.
Spankable! That cracks me up!
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