I would also like Heath Ledger or some other guy to break into a stadium and sing me a love song , I'm such a sap.
I was talking to somebody the other day who said he is allergic to fajitas.
I said "It must be one of the ingredients, not the whole fajita" and he said "No I'm allergic to fajitas."
That's a funny allergy...but I wouldn't want to have it.

You can't be allergic to fajitas! That's like saying I'm allergic to salads. Doh!
you like heath check this out -
that site only features wet men. it's awesome..they have everyone.
i love that movie. i could watch it over and over and over...mostly cuz of Heath, i'm sure ;)
Wet men?
Allergic to fajitas?
I think I'm allergic to the Lifetime Channel. And the show E.R. They make me break out in hives and feel agitated. Even Claritin can't stop it. It must be a poweful allergy.
Are they allergic to Shish-kabob too?
caught the ending of it on wednesday.
*dreamy sigh*
heath is so rediculously gorgeous.
i'd like to beleive i'm allergic to my boyfriend, i always break into sneezing fits when i'm with him.
Cactus Prick - I know, really! I'm only allergic to club sandwiches.
clara* - Thank you, thank you, thank you.
~ robin ~ - Did you see the link Clara sent above????
Memphis Steve - I'm allergic to the Sports Channel...unless there is hockey or tennis playing...weird huh?
Jerk - I think, as I say about many people, he should be locked in a rubber room. I kid, I kid.
Corinna - See you understand. :)
Tourniquet - I didn't realize I loved Heath until last night...the wet pictures just sealed the deal.
I'd like to have someone do it for me but...
I'd rather have someone like it if I broke out in song and dance for them!
It would be wonderful to have someone sing to me in a stadium...absolutely. Allergic to fajitas? Tragic. And he's confused.
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