Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Dear Universe,

My horoscope told me on Monday that I could just tell you what I want and don't want and you would handle it.

That is way cool of you universe, thanks.

After careful consideration I have compiled the following list:

An honest, funny, hot, rich, ticklish, 35 year old man with a cottage.

A big hand to come out of the dashboard of cars and smack stupid fucks in the head when they drive like assholes.

Dave Matthews to stop writing really obvious lyrics like you crash into me and I come into you. GAWD. What are you 13 Dave?

The rule of thumb to be changed from eight glasses of water a day to beer. Actually if you could just make beer come right out of the tap that would be good. (Oh feck I sound like Homer Simpson)

The kid at the corner store to get off the hash and be able to make change in under 10 minutes.

A camera that makes all of the other cameras cry themselves to sleep at night because they will never be as awesome.

Johnny Depp.

Denis Leary.

Thanks in advance, regards and all the other gayisms that business people sign off with,



sinner said...

well, at least I'm ticklish. I have that camera and I could let you borrow it if you overlook all that I lack. maybe like a compromise

Some Random Girl said...

I think I can find you honest and ticklish and possibly a "cottage" but you'd have to move to California. Northern California. We have no ocean here. We have a lake and a river.

Oh and I can get you a stepchild most likely.

Madame D said...

That's a very good list. Though I'd add "George Clooney" to the bottom.

Anonymous said...

i'm buying a cottage and calling you in five years

Marianna said...

Ticklish, huh? I just want someone that isn't an jackass to me.


Christopher D. Bate said...

I'm 26, have access to a cottage and could, if nothing else make you chuckle

(The second one is a fib and the third one is touch and go. I'm really 26, though)

kalipornia said...

i'm inspired, and as usual... i'm stealing this! ;)

thanks, binsky!

Sassy said...

Totally reasonable. Now add longer weekends to the list and you're golden.

bricotrout said...

AVAILABLE: honest, funny looking, financially independent, ticklish, 37 year old man with a case of cottage cheese who can do good johnny depp pirate imitations.

Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

I'm not hot, rich or ticklish.

Damn, I'm not even 35 anymore!

sunovah......thanks Binny. Now I know how much I suck.

Dear Universe,
Mix up Binnys order with that fat guys next time she goes to Tim Hortons.

Rik said...

Look how the Universe is filling up your inbox! When i get the keg under the kitchen sink, i'll invite you over.
I read your 75 things yesterday...and i'm falling in love.

Damien said...

Sorry for my absence Binksteroo, I only just figured out my java script was switched off (hence unable to leave comments), maybe the Microsoft programmers need a bitch slap hand to fire out of their monitors?

Erik said...

Hehe, oh Binsk, you never fail to crack me up. I hope someday you get all those things, especially the hand out of the dashboard.

Chick said...

You are so right about Dave Matthews...what's that creepy lyrics about...lift up your skirt & show your world to me? creeps me out.

I'm with you on Denis Leary...there's a thought.

MG said...

girl, you so kick ass. That's an awesome list.

the Wootang said...

how about if the universe could lay the smack down on dudes who drive vw cabriolets? c'mon, those cars are strictly for the ladies.