Speaking of pop, or soda as some of y'all call it, I have a story.
I used to drink A LOT of Diet Coke. And I used to have a lot of weird things happen to me like (go look them up at aspartamekills.com, there's a list of 92 and I had a lot of them) Yeah used to. I'm all normal and stuff now. Sorta. Anyway, when you have all this shit going on you don't really attribute it to one thing, but when I did some research I found that a lot of people were saying that aspartame is VERY bad for people. And I'm a person, so I quit it. And that's hard to do because it's in A LOT of things. I made sure to always check the labels for it. Like it's in pretty much any pack of gum besides Big Red I think. After a month or so a lot of my symptoms went away. And I lost weight. I don't know how long it's been since I have had anything with aspartame (a year maybe?) but I have seen pictures of myself when I was consuming it heavily and my face was all swollen or bloated or something. And like I said I don't have ANY of those symptoms now. Coincidence? I doubt it. You can do a Google search on aspartame yourself and see what you think. And I know there are people out there that will say aspartame is fine but all I know is what I experienced and I just wanted to share it so maybe I can help somebody that doesn't know that this might be causing problems for them too. Now I think I am going to quit the regular pop/soda. Baby steps.
Pop is a grandfather. ;)
i once read that the police use coke to get the blood off the street after a particularly gruesome car accident since it works the best...i'm just saying...
btw...why does a can of diet coke float in water and a can of plain coke doesnt?
now that i come to think of it, i've had a lot less anxiety since i stopped drinking diet coke about a year ago. maybe less depression, too, but that might just be the result of other life changes. i dunno, but it's an interesting thought.
Oh sure, take away my one and only vice ;)
I was about to say the same thing, leesa. I've given up drugs, whores, American Idol, and gambling! You'll have to pry my diet pepsi from my cold, dead, fingers!
I also heard that smoking was bad for you... ;)
So... you went back to regular Coke?
Leesa and Shawdowdog YOU guys are the reason I wrote this. I didn't say I had a few headaches and then they stopped when I stopped drinking aspartame, I said I was FUCKED UP mentally and physically and it stopped when I stopped aspartame and there are websites and people dedicated to getting the word out that this stuff is poison and that it is criminal that they sell it in our grocery stores like it is fine for us to consume.
Paul if you are referring to me I quit smoking. And why don't you leave nice comments like you used to?
Outburst consider regular coke the nicorette of soda pop. :)
Nutrasweet is aspartame. Remember when nutrasweet got a bunch of bad press for being toxic and it sort of disappeared? It didn't really.
Thanks for the info, Binsk! I've been trying to cut back on the fizzy stuff for a little while now... I'll just be doubly sure to avoid the "sugar free" stuff...
Are you allowed to say "y'all" in Canada??
Os ~ of course she can say "y'all"! She's a Texan-wanna-be! LOL
I have never been a big soda drinker. I think I had 1 soda last year. For the entire year!
I guess everything's gonna kill us one day... LOL
I know a lot of people who quit drinking soda and lost like 20 lbs. I never drink that shit I stick to Starbucks.
I remember you told me about this awhile back when I was bugging the crap out of you in IM one night. I had never heard this before you told me. So, to return the favor, please see my 2 posts about the Xbox. It may be useful to you one day.
Yeah, aspartame is horrible stuff. There's a reason it has 0 calories... your body doesn't know what the hell to do with it!
If you're looking for a low calorie alternative to aspartame to add to your coffee and such, try stevia.
i quit aspartame when i got pregnant and now use breastfeeding as my excuse not to go back. funny, i wouldn't choose it ban it for my own health, but zoë? yes, she's all that matters.
i also miss diet coke.
a lot
It breaksdown into methanol and formaldehyde. No thanks.
Wonderful! I just got done drinking a coke. I needed the Caffine. Now Im gonna make a pot of green tea. haha
Im thinking cutting a few things out might be a good idea. I have taken the habit of eating a mass quantity of food around suppertime cause I hardly eat during the day.
Its gross.
Im afraid to look up aspertame quite honestly.
Wonderful! I just got done drinking a coke. I needed the Caffine. Now Im gonna make a pot of green tea. haha
Im thinking cutting a few things out might be a good idea. I have taken the habit of eating a mass quantity of food around suppertime cause I hardly eat during the day.
Its gross.
Im afraid to look up aspertame quite honestly.
What is this evil you preach?! Diet coke rules!
I'll have to check it out, because anytime I drink something with aspratame in it, I get the worst taste in my mouth.
Like a cat shit it in or something.
I'm with you there. Aspartame has a horrible, bitter-metallic aftertaste to me, so I have an added reason for not eating or drinking anything with aspartame in it. I couldn't finish a can of diet pop if I tried.
The only time i touch a pop is when i'm mixing it with alcohol, in which case i use diet.
You are like the hundrethtrillion person I have heard say that they are a diet coke fiend. That shit is nasty yo.
I only drink water beer and coffee. Sometimes Liquor when I am burnt out on beer.
No sodas or milk. Nothing
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