Monday, June 27, 2005

"If you are hurt in small doses on a constant basis you will never suffer a fatal blow"

I actually got up out of bed last night to write this thought down.

Feel free to use it at all of your depressing get togethers and mass suicides.


Lisa said...


Uhm, that was really sad ! When are you coming to Kansas City so we can party? HAH! you thought I forgot didn't you!


mcgibfried said...

girl.. sounds like we need to go drinking and drown some sorrows!

Jude said...

I'm checking out some of those who are also in on the Complimenting Commenter's Summer Challenge ~ this is a really fun blog, thanks for the read!

christy said...

normally when i have thoughts like that i am not able to write them down and i end up forgetting them altogether. i'm glad you remembered it, cuz it's very true.

Krista said...

the quote makes a lot of sense..

Anonymous said...

I like it. Way to write it down because, like isabel, if I don't write thoughts down I often forget. This was totally worth getting out of bed for.

Outburst said...

Reminds me of one of my favourite cheesy Star Wars lines:
"Strike me down and I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine..."
So true, so true.

Mona said...

So my question is, what is life like when you're hurt in small doses on a constant basis?

Robin Alexa said...

Lisa - Soon, soon! :)

mcgibfried - Yep.

shinta- That's Yin and Yang.

Corinna - Me neither.

Jude - Thanks.

isabel winezcek - Glad you think so too.

Krista - Good! Hi!

Anonymous - Yeah I'm going to try to do tha more often even if it's crap.

Outburst - Yeah it is along those lines for sure.

Mona - Painful, maybe it's time to reevaluate.

Deli mom said...

so not true

Paul said...

That might be true, but it's no way to live.

Isn't it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?

Memphis said...

If you are hurt in small doses on a constant basis you will never heal.

And the swelling will be a motherf*****.

And your doctor will send the police to your home to look around.

And you will turn really, really mean.

Robin Alexa said...

That is the best response! My you are a bright man.