Friday, June 24, 2005

I would love to know what that's supposed to mean.


zuzula said...


My favourite gravestone inscription (if you can have such a thing) belongs to the late UK comedian Spike Milligan. it reads: 'I told you I was ill'.


Laura said...

Ha! There is a headstone in town here that says something to the effect of
"He was an athiest and now he's all dressed up with nowhere to go."
I should hunt that one down and take a piccy.

Yoda said...

I think it's a line from a movie or a book.


Unknown said...

A line from a book or movie I think.... come on Yoda... don't break character... :-)

Roonie said...

Where are these coming from?

Anonymous said...

Holy crap! That is creepy!!

Busty Wilde said...

Isn't that from a song? Or something? Damn, that seems so familiar.

Robin said...

Oh my gad...where are you taking these?!?! They're so cool!

traceofblistex said...

That's really eerie! What was that printed on?

Astrid said...

And whose knife was it? No one told me.

Peas on Toast said...

I'm guessing this:

The dude, if it is indeed a dude, that is buried under that headstone, if it is indeed a headstone, casually walked into a room one day and saw a person that had just been shot. There was blood.
But everyone else already knew that there was a shot person in the room, except for him. But they kept this from him because they thought it would be funny. So no one told him there would be blood.

OK, now tell us the real story please!!!!!

Robin Alexa said...

My guess is as good as all of yours...I just found these on the internet. So you've all helped to maybe solve the riddle for me :)

Anonymous said...

It could be a description of the person's death. How he/she couldn't believe there was so much blood. How no one told them it would be so painful. Imagine a person lying in the corner of a room after being fatally injured, a surprised look on their face, not ready to die, life itself pouring out of the fatal wound. In fits, in my mind. I apologize for darkening the mood.

Mona said...

Maybe it means that it was much more serious than anyone imagined.