Me in the lobby looking oh so sour. I'm not really angry. I'm just taking pictures of myself and trying not to do one of my goofy, double chin smiles...instead I look like a killer.

It's awesome to sit in a beach chair on the Gulf of Mexico drinking pina coladas, listening to the sound of the ocean and relaxing, but after a while you can get a little bored and start taking pictures of your feet.

Check out the pink and green in the sky. How effing awesome is that??? I have never seen a sky like this in my life. Maybe I should get out more.

Somehow this bunny snuck into our room one afternoon while we were at the beach. Cute little guy isn't he? Sneaky, but cute.

And back to a chair, this time it's a pool chair. And I am wearing my pretty sarong because I am oh so tropical.
To answer some of your questions...it was beautiful and so hot (especially for my lily white skin). The staff at the resort were a lot of fun and very entertaining. I went with a friend of mine, not a guy, so there was no sexy playtime involved...and I'm not really a vacation fling type girl so there was no sexy playtime with strangers either. Sorry I'm so boring, next time I'll make something up or be a little sluttier.
Also, why in hell's name do planes creak?? If my car sounded like the plane I was in on the way back I would take it into the shop...and I don't go 300 miles per hour in my car...often.