Tuesday, January 09, 2007


This is an invitation to try a recipe exchange. I hope you'll participate; it should be fun! It's easy, quick and should yield a whole bunch of recipes! (And you only need to send a recipe ONCE TO ONE person).

Please email a recipe to the person whose name is in the number 1
position below.

Then copy this letter into a new email and move my name to the #1
position and put your name and email in the #2 position. Email the new letter to
10 new people (or more).

If you cannot do this within 5 days, please let me know. This is only
fair to the people participating.

You should receive 36 recipes! Seldom does anyone drop out as we all
enjoy trying new recipes.

Thanks for participating. I'm looking forward to trying out the new


Fuck you. I got two of these mother fucking emails and I thought to myself aren't I too young and cool to be exchanging recipes? And myself said yes, yes you are. But then I felt bad you know because after five days it wasn't fair to the person in the number 1 position and shit so I took the time against my better judgement as a young, cool, 'I don't need recipes' type and fucking put in a recipe and changed the email addresses and sent it out and how many recipes do you think I got?


According to this math I was supposed to get SEVENTY TWO.

Don't send me this bullshit old lady crap anymore.

Oh wait I just reread the email, and I swear I just figured it out now while I was being so sarcastic that I think I did it wrong.

I forgot the sending it on to ten new people part.

But I could just Google a recipe. So yeah, please stop sending me this stuff.

In other news, I kinda created a little bit of a flame war on a message board about dogs (Potcakes).

They were talking about invisible fencing and how everybody is doing it, and I did a little research and came to the conclusion that it was kind of cruel. And I asked them if they would put electric shock collars around their kid's necks to keep them in the yard, and one girl told me she thought I was a bit "off".

Well I have news for you girlie, you aren't the first person that has told me that.

So whatevs.

And then I got an email from another girlie who is obviously way cooler:

"Robin, thank you for posting that link. Like I mentioned before, animal cruelty...just the thought of doing that to a dog makes me ill."


Anonymous said...

See, never trust a chain letter that doesn't have the math right! If you sent it on to 10 people, you should get 100 recipes. Of course, 74 of them would involve innovative uses for Spam (the "meat", not the email itself), 25 of the others would just outright suck, and the last one would be for cabbage rolls.

Mmmm... cabbage rolls...

Hmmm, electric shock collars for kids... I wonder if I could start a charity to distribute those to children that really need them?

Marianna said...

I freakin did one of those damn chain letters & got NADA back too! Effers!

I was shocked by an electric fence once. Not a pleasant situation...


~Tim said...

I know a few parents that should have one of those collars....

Zoeyjane said...

i know a few people who should have those collars. not just parents.

Shadowdog said...

Obviously that dude has never checked out Fresh Air Lover's recipe blog. Who needs more than that? ;-P I do find it odd that you didn't get anything back.

Invisible fences, eh? Nothing wrong with torturing dogs, eh? When the Great Dog Revolution happens, I'm going to be on the dogs' side. People SUCK.

Anonymous said...

I think I would put the collar on my kids.

J-Mo said...

Jeez you have one birthday and all of a sudden your apart of recipe chain mailing and yelling at the kids.

212degreedesigns said...


way better than old lady food,..

i'd pay the 10$ so that 10 more people didn't have my email address...


212degreedesigns said...

it was the accident at the grandparents while she was out partying that turned her into a parent...


Ophelia Mourne said...

those fences are cruel and the neck shockers. The second you hear the poor dog strangle after a small yip, You'll cry and tear the thing off em.

My friend had to have his dog de-barked because his neighbors took him to court. Yes the dog barked incessently, but cutting out its vocal chords didnt help, cause he still barked, but you could only hear a small wheeze.
I dont even think he noticed it was gone, cause he didnt cease. And now we had to hear him make the most god awful sounds. Its truly sad when an Animal cant just be.

Anonymous said...

If people are just realizing you're a bit off they're thick as hell...

Joe said...

I tried invisible fencing once, but it was too confusing so we went back to using real swords.

Mikhail said...

I don't know about kids, but I've got a boss or two who I would love you to put an electric collar around, lol ps...anyone who's cruel to their pet deserves to be put inside a REAL fence...with two pockets full of milk bones...and MY pet...hahaha

Some Random Girl said...

I keep getting this crap myself! I swear! it makes me cuckoo!

Robin said...

Sorry I haven't been around much. My loyalty to the select few is hit and miss these days.

But I do love coming around, partly because I love the way you're able to say exactly what I think about the idiots of the world.

Unknown said...

Wow, that was harsh. Especially since I'm trying to figure out if that was me that sent you that email or someone else we know.

Valency said...

I LOVE people who are a bit "off". I surround myself with them. Whateverthefuck "normal" is, well, I don't wanna be it.

That made me giggle when I imagined in my brain a bunch of little preschoolers in a schoolyard with no fence, trying to escape and yipping as they are shocked. I think it sounds like a scene in an Adam Sandler film or something. Hulll-arious!

Not that I want kids hurt or pets hurt or anything... it's just funny... and it's nice when people can learn to take things more lightly. You go, girly.

Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

I got a recipe for ya Binny.
It involves you, me and there's a lot of heat.
Mix well.
Shaken AND stirred kinda stuff.

oh, and potatoes.

JBoombostick said...

You are so mean!

wopanese said...

Okay, I know you WANTED a recipe, so here goes:

Recipe for true love
1 woman
1 man
1 small, electrical appliance used for creating a Brownian effect on starch-based consumables
1 loaf of bread... I mean, starch-based consumable

Take loaf of bread and chuck it out the window with the appliance - that would remove any temptations...

Okay, so I lied about not "going toaster" on you again.

Ahh well, call me a liar. Go 'head.

And the dog fence thing - yeah, not cool. I got zapped by one that was supposed to make dogs NOT bark... yeah, that was a shocking experience to say the least. Lost fine motor control in my fingers for a couple of hours while they kept buzzing along all on their own...

wopanese said...

Oh... one more thing -

That woman who thought you were "off" about doing that for their run-amok-kids? Yeah, like they don't already use LEASHES on their kids!

Sassy said...

Shock collars? Cruel to animals? Yes, perhaps so, but I'm all for it for cranky-ass husbands.